The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund announced the second Request for Proposals (RFP) for global and regional civil society networks addressing HIV related issues. Global and regional networks and consortia of networks that meet the definitions and criteria set by this RFP are invited to apply for a grant to support core-funding and/or programmatic needs of the network for up to two years (2014/2015).

The deadline for submission of proposals is 22 July 2013 at 12:00 CET.

The Robert Civil Society Networks Fund (Robert Carr 民间社会网络基金)公开宣布下一轮项目的申请机会。在 AIDS Fonds的支持下,Robert Carr 这新开的基金现在接受全球和区域非政府组织网络申请2014-2015年的项目。所有从事艾滋病领域工作的民间组织网络有申请的资格。同时,他们特别关注为社会边缘群体和弱势群体服务的组织网络,包括为性工作者,成瘾者,同性恋,流动人口等服务的组织。机构不能单独地申请因为本基金的使命是支持全球和区域民间组织网络。因此它们要优先考虑来自全球网络的申请表。



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