Asia Catalyst is now accepting applications from nonprofit grassroots organizations in China working on health rights for the new Nonprofit Leadership Cohort Program of the year 2013-2014. The Nonprofit Leadership Cohort is an intensive one-year capacity-building program aimed at building skills in organizational management through hands-on workshops, peer support and individualized coaching.


A. Program Description 


The cohort program will include four intensive workshops over the course of one year. Between each workshop, participants will complete homework assignments and will receive support from other workshop participants, as well as coaching by Asia Catalyst staff. Travel expenses will be covered by Asia Catalyst. In addition, several participants from the first year of the Nonprofit Leadership Cohort will serve as assistant trainers during the 2014-2015 programs.


Asia Catalyst will select a cohort of ten organizations to participate in one year of quarterly trainings. Each training session will cover a new area of management skills and will review lessons from the previous training. The course will cover the following skills:


·Strategic planning


·Organizational budgeting


·Staff and volunteer management


·Fundraising basics


·Target and alliance analysis


·Persuasion skills



B. Eligibility Requirements资格要求

The cohort is open to organizations working in the field of health rights, including groups working on below issues. We specifically encourage applications from organizations that have done work in pastoral communities and deal with arid land, grassland, and range land in North/South West China.


HIV/AIDS affected communities 受艾滋病影响的群体
Hepatitis and other infectious diseases 肝炎与其他传染病
LGBTQ communities 性少数人群的健康
Environmental health and pollution 环境卫生及污染
Disabled persons’ health 残疾人士的健康
Occupational health 职业健康
Other issues relating to the right to health 与健康权益相关的其他问题
Pastoral community 牧民社区等

Minimum requirements for each participant organization are:

·A core team of staff and volunteers;

·In existence between 2-5 years;
组织成立 2-5年之久

·Some fundraising ability;

·Some advocacy experience;

·Ability to identify organizational strengths and weaknesses;

·Willingness to change current organizational management practices; and

·Ability to participate in the full training cycle.

Please note that for this program Asia Catalyst will only provide travel, accommodation, per diems and training materials for one senior staff of each participant organization to attend all four training session. This program does not provide any other grant funds or compensation.


C. Selection Process

To apply, please fill out below application form and return it to by November 8,2013. After we have reviewed all applications we will contact suitable organizations for the next round of selection interviews. Our final selection will be announced in end November 2013. The first training will take place in December 2013. The application form is attached.


Please note that organizations can only apply for the full Nonprofit Leadership Cohort training cycle and it is not possible to apply for single workshops. Once an organization has been selected to participate, attendance at all four quarterly trainings and participation in peer support and follow-up coaching is mandatory.

Meanwhile, the participant selected by each organization needs to attend all four workshops; it is not possible to replace the representative throughout the duration of the Cohort. Each participant is required to share workshop contents with their organization after each workshop as the program aims to build capacity of each participating organization.


For questions please contact China Program Officer Mr. Gao Song at

项目介绍 Program Description.doc

项目申请书 Application Form.doc

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