[UPDATE] Asia Catalyst Newsletter 亚洲促进会简报


Summer and early autumn were very busy at Asia Catalyst, we hope you’ll enjoy reading the program updates below!






In May of this year, Asia Catalyst convened a regional rights training retreat for health rights advocates from East and Southeast Asia.  The advocates will reconvene in Bangkok this month ahead of the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP).


After the first convening in May, advocates have engaged in regular group coaching calls to refine advocacy plans developed during the May retreat, and to provide peer support and Asia Catalyst mentoring as the advocates have started to implement their plans.


IMG_7344.jpgThe weekend workshop sessions ahead of ICAAP will provide participants an opportunity to share their experiences implementing the advocacy plans, and to collaborate around targets at ICAAP.





Two-day Workshop on Research Methods and Report Writing for Chinese Sex Workers


In July Asia Catalyst Advocacy Director, Shen Tingting provided two days of coaching in a sex worker community organization office located in China. The organization had conducted interviews of sex workers on how arbitrary detention affects their lives. The coaching focused on assisting staff in analyzing the interview notes they had gathered and using the results of the analysis to develop an outline for a report detailing rights abuses within arbitrary detention centers for sex workers in China.


Coaching Visit for MSM HIV/AIDS Group in Guangzhou


In August and September, Asia Catalyst China Program staff visited one of the largest HIV-testing and service providers in Southern China, the Lingnan Partner Community Support Center. The group has over seven years of HIV/AIDS-related service experience, but has little background in advocacy.


Thumbnail image for Guangzhou Coaching-1.JPGThe first coaching session focused on strategic planning (as the organization identified this as their weakness). The session triggered the group’s discussion around how to include advocacy into their long-term vision.

Thumbnail image for Guangzhou Coaching-2.JPGThe second coaching visit focused on Lingnan’s current advocacy issue: the lack of counseling for people who receive HIV testing in clinics managed by Center for Disease Control, China’s state agency focused on infectious disease and public health. The coaching has helped Lingnan to gain a deeper understanding of advocacy, obtain skills on develop advocacy strategies, and develop consensus among all staff on the advocacy plan.


Subgrants and Assistance to Five Groups Working to End HIV-based Medical Discrimination


In previous quarters, Asia Catalyst worked with the Community Based Organization Network (CBO) to provide training in advocacy for 20 of its members. Through a selection process, The CBO Network awarded sub-grants to five groups in order to implement advocacy plans designed to combat medical discrimination on the local level. In July and September of this year, Shen Tingting worked with the CBO network secretary Wang Baoyi to complete two coaching calls with the five sub-grantees. The coaching calls provided opportunities for the sub-grantees to update each other on the progress of their projects and provide peer-support as some of them encounter similar challenges. Through Asia Catalyst’s small grant support and coaching, several projects have made good progress in addressing medical discrimination.

在前几个季度的工作中,亚洲促进会联合中国艾滋病民间组织全国联席会议一起为其20名成员提供了倡导培训。通过筛选环节,亚洲促进会通过联席会议为5家机构提供了小额资助,支持其在当地实施消除医疗歧视的倡导工作计划。今年的2013年的7月和9月份, 沈婷婷和联席会议秘书长王宝义完成了5个受助小组的电话辅导工作。通过电话辅导,5个小组对自己机构目前的工作进度进行分享,对于一些共性问题互相支持和指导。通过小额资助和技术辅导,针对消除医疗歧视的各个项目都取得了不错的进展。

Organizational development retreat for Beijing Gender Health Education Institute


In mid-August, China Program Director, Gisa Dang facilitated a two-day strategic retreat for the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute (BGHEI), an organization that focuses on LGBTQ health and non-discrimination. BGHEI has been developing quite quickly over the past two years and approached Asia Catalyst to guide them on how to lay the foundation for future growth and sustainability. After several discussions with the director and staff of the organization, the first step was the two day retreat during which program staff prioritized challenges currently inhibiting program implementation and designed targeted responses, as well as discussed challenges that loom in the future. The retreat also resulted in an expanded and updated organizational management handbook outlining internal procedures and systems, and an action plan from recruiting the next staff members from underserved LGBTQ backgrounds.


Coaching visits to disability group in Central China为华中地区的残疾人组织提供辅导支持

In August and September, Asia Catalyst’s China Program staff paid two visits to a disability rights group in Central China.  The group, run by people with disabilities who advocate for their right of barrier-free access to public facilities, is the only such organization in Central China.


The two visits, each two days long, were designed to assist the group in clarifying project objectives and generating thoughtful strategies for their current advocacy project. We conducted a half day workshop on the logic model to build the group’s awareness of advocacy planning, cause and effect, and to enable their use of specific terms such as output, outcome, and effect. AC staff utilized exercises designed specifically for analysis of the project’s progress, such as role play games and brainstorm activities.


The participation of every volunteer in the Asia Catalyst sessions contributed to an increased joint understanding of the issue at hand and led to an enriched strategy in which many key community members had input. As a positive result, the number of people who are highly involved in the advocacy project has increased from four to nine.





Changsha One day Workshop长沙的一日研讨会

For the first time, Asia Catalyst held a one-day workshop in central China based at the invitation of a local activist. The workshop, with 20 participants, was larger than we usually prefer, but agreed to because capacity building opportunities in Hunan are reportedly low, which was widely reflected in the evaluation forms for the event. Participating organizations worked mainly on migrant worker and labor rights, lung health, and children and women’s health. The workshop introduced strategic planning, which several participants had heard of before, but none had ever attempted. Hence, we received very positive feedback and several requests for follow up and future workshops. A report about the workshop was featured on a local civil society website. https://wm.changsha.cn/k/1/201308/t20130830_1442416.htm


Workshop in Shenzhen Charity Forum深圳慈善交流展示会

China Program Director, Gisa Dang, at the invitation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation,  participated in the Shenzhen Charity Forum as speaker and trainer. The Forum, held in Shenzhen on September 21-23, was to support the One Foundation’s release of the Grassroots Transparency Index. This was an excellent opportunity to discuss Asia Catalyst’s approach to building transparency within organizations; among staff, volunteers and the community through participatory processes such as strategic planning. This was especially prescient, because the current transparency discussions in China’s nonprofit sector focus almost exclusively on organizational transparency towards current and potential institutional and individual donors.


China Program Officer Filmed for Training Video for China Philanthropy Research Institute (CPRI) at Beijing Normal University


This Spring, Asia Catalyst was approached by China Philanthropy Research Institute at Beijing Normal University in the interest of developing an online course for non-profit practitioners in China. The course video titled “Collective Strategic Planning” was delivered by the China Program Officer. The one hour video covers three main parts: “What is Strategic Planning”, “Why is Strategic Planning a collective exercise?” and “How to use the Asia Catalyst Logic Model.”

Thumbnail image for CPRI film.png今年春天,亚洲促进会受邀为北京师范大学中国公益研究院开发一套针对于中国非营利组织员工的在线课程。此课程命名为”群策群力的战略规划”,由中国项目官员负责实施。通过一个小时的视频课程,内容包括三个部分”什么是战略规划?战略规划为什么需要群策群力?如何使用亚洲促进会的逻辑框架?”

The film will be published online at the e-school platform of CPRI this fall and is aimed at nonprofit practitioners.





From July 10-12, together with 30 women activists from all over the world, Advocacy Director Shen Tingting was invited to Geneva to take part in a retreat with the goal of “Strengthening Women’s Engagement with the Global Fund to Champion Gender Equality through the New Funding Model and Beyond”. During the retreat, participants identified gender issues related to the Global Fund and developed recommendations on strengthening women’s participation. Recommendations and outcomes of the retreat were used to inform discussions at the Global Fund’s Strategy, as well as the Investment and Impact Committee, which met shortly after the retreat.  On September 3rd, Shen joined six retreat participants for a call with Mark Dybul, Executive Director of Global Fund and the senior staff team. In the call, the advocates briefed them about discussions at the retreat, its outcomes, and raised critical issues for strengthening the Gender Equality Strategy and women’s participation in Global Fund.

2013年7月10日至12日,全球30名妇女积极分子聚在一起,本机构倡导总监沈婷婷受邀赴日内瓦参加了”全球基金通过新的融资模式加强妇女参与倡导性别平等”会议。在会议当中,参与者认识到了性别问题和全球基金的关联关系,并且制定了提高女性参与的策略及建议。在会议结束不久之后,委员们的投入、会议产出和会议收集到的建议形成了全球基金新的工作策略。2013年9月3日,全球基金执行总监Mark Dybul及其资深员工和沈婷婷在内的6名参与者一起参与了一次电话会议,在该电话会议当中,倡导者向大家分享了全球基金会议上的讨论、产出、加强性别平等战略和女性参与的议题。




In September, we welcomed four new members to the board of directors. Please join us in our welcome of Randall Chamberlain, an immigration lawyer; Sarah Lubman, public relations executive; Andrea Worden, an expert on Chinese Law; and Shannon Wu, a human resources executive. This quarter we also expressed our appreciation to Chad Bolick who has finished his term on the board.

2013年9月份,机构的理事会成员迎来新的理事。再次欢迎移民律师Randall Chamberlain、公共关系专员Sarah Lubman、中国法律专家Andrea Worden、人力资源专员Shannon Wu的加入。同时也感谢Chad Bolick完成他在理事会的任命工作。

In the office, we welcomed Charmain Mohamed as Executive Director, Fionnuala Seiferth as Coordinator of the Rights Training Program and Nisaa Askia as Administrative Associate.  We bid farewell to Acting Executive Director Andrea Worden, Rights Training Coordinator Shalena Krumm, and Administrative Associate Mikaela Chase.

在告别了执行总监安卓雅、权利培训协调员Shalena Krumm、行政执行Mikaela Chase之后,欢迎莫逍作为我们的执行总监,Fionnuala Seiferth作为权利培训项目的协调人员、Nisaa Askia作为行政执行的加入。

During the summer, we also hosted legal intern Dai Bin.  We thank her for her research and dedication


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