
By Ken Oh and Meg Davis

作者:Ken Oh、王翠凤



There were dozens of sessions and over
20,000 people at the 2010 International AIDS Conference, whose theme was
“Rights Here, Rights Now”. We can’t bring it all to you, but here’s a roundup
of the highlights:

2010年的国际艾滋病大会,共有20,000人参加,召开了多场会议。本次会议的主题是 “我们的权利,就在此时此地”。在此,我们不能将会议的全部呈现给各位,但将为各位呈上本次会议亮点的综述。


  • Science Update:
    Breakthroughs in microbicides, growing momentum for Pre-Exposure
    Prophylaxis, and the UNITAID patent pool
  • 科学:杀微生物剂研制的突破;治疗性预防(Pre-Exposure Propylaxi)的持续进展以及联合救助中心专利池(UNITAID patent pool)的建立



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