By Chan Fei

AIDS Concern is proud to launch its newly published Chinese-language manual POZ in the City, coauthored by AIDS
Concern and a group of people living with HIV (PLHIV) experienced in public
speaking. We invite you to step forward and work together to combat stigma and
prejudice attached to PLHIV. 香港「关怀爱滋」伙拍一群公众演说经验丰富的感染者共同撰写了「正能量计划」手册,希望籍此和各位同工及感染者分享如何进行感染者公众演说,共同为消除对爱滋病和爱滋病病毒感染者的标签及偏见努力。

Handbook in Simplified Chinese

AIDS-related stigma has long been one of the biggest
obstacles to delivery of HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Negative judgments about
HIV/AIDS and PLHIV estranges PLHIV from the public, resulting in a lack of
acceptance and support for PLHIV. One of the most effective approaches to
combating stigma is to put a human face on HIV by creating direct contact between
PLHIV and the public. This contact allows the public to understand PLHIV, and
to learn that PLHIV are no different than they are. 一直以来,标签及偏见都是对抗爱滋病最大障碍,这些偏见,造成大众与爱滋病病毒感染者之间的隔膜,使他们被排斥,得不到接纳和支持。而其中一个最有效消除偏见的方法,就是透过与感染者直接接触,让大众认识他/她们和自己是没有分别,从而消除误解。

Readers of the manual will be able to understand the principles of public speaking, training, skills and practices
for PLHIV. We look forward to seeing more partnerships between HIV/AIDS workers
and PLHIV community to combat HIV/AIDS stigma together. 透过手册,你将会认识到进行感染者公众演说的原则、培训技巧和实践方法。期望各位同工能够连系更多的感染者,与社群合作,打击爱滋病相关的标签和偏见。

If you have any questions concerning the manual and practice, please do not
hesitate to contact Chan Fei, Campaign Officer of AIDS Concern, by email: 如果对手册或实践上有任何问题,都欢迎各位同工联络「关怀爱滋」,策划主任陈菲,电邮,「关怀爱滋」很愿意分享我们的经验。

Chan Fei陈菲 is the Campaign Officer (Anti-Stigma) at AIDS Concern in
Hong Kong (
关怀爱滋). For more
information, visit their website:

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