To:The National Internet Information Office,Ministry
of Industry and Information Technology 

In response to the Notice of Soliciting Public Comment on the Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services (Draft for Public Comment)
issued by the two departments on June 7, 2012, I set out below my comment.


Section 1 of Article 15 of the Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services (Draft for Public Comment) (hereinafter referred to as “the Draft”) stipulates that any Internet information service provider which provides services of Internet users disseminating information to the public should require any of the Internet users to register real identity information. 



Firstly, in accordance with Article 35 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, any citizen has the freedom of speech, publication, assembly, association, procession and protest.The Constitution and the laws passed by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee do not require citizens to use real names and other real identity information when they make speeches.The administrative regulations and rules do not require citizens to use real identity information when they make speeches or express other information in physical spaces (such as squares, conference venues, libraries, paper-based newspapers, magazines and books). By the same token, the administrative regulations and rules should not limit the way of citizens making Internet-mediated speeches to real-name. 


Secondly, citizens have a variety of justified reasons for use of pen-names, stage-names, nicknames, pseudonyms, or no-names to orally or non-orally publicize remarks, essays, opinions, comments and suggestions. For instance, some do not use real names just out of the fear of retribution and victimization; some (only to name an example, people with HIV/AIDS) do not use real names in order to protect privacy; some do not use real names because their lives will be disturbed if they are readily identifiable; and others use not real names as their pen-names and stage-names are well-known and directly associated with reputation and goodwill.  In addition, in the past six decades, use of pen-names, stage-names and pseudonym by citizens in making speeches on public matters, attending public activities and participating in public affairs may be deemed as practice of a constitutional nature.  Therefore, the administrative regulations and departmental rules should not require citizens to register real names and other identity information when they make speeches over the Internet. 
Thirdly, as a market participant, an Internet information service provider has the right to determine whether any user should register real identity information.  Likewise, a user has the right to determine whether to accept or decline the request from an Internet information service provider for real identity information.  Furthermore, many of Internet information service providers are committed to corporate social responsibility while to ensure freedom of speech is believed to be an integral part of corporate social responsibility.  Given the fact that China has passed and been enforcing laws and regulations on prevention, control and punishment of illegal activities over the Internet, the imposition on Internet information service providers of requiring users to register real identity information is an unnecessary and undue burden on enterprises, and hence, is an excessive limitation on the right of enterprises to conduct business in a manner of their own choice.


Fourthly, as China has signed and ratified a series of WTO documents such as GATT and GATS, Section 1 of Article 15 of the Draft, together with provisions of a prohibitive nature in other regulations, might amount to a trade barrier under these treaties.  
Please consider the above-mentioned comment when the two departments finalize the Draft. 
Submitted by Dan Zhou


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