
Shen Tingting, a prominent HIV/AIDS and human rights advocate in Beijing, China, has been working with marginalized communities since her college days. In 2007, she, along with Li Dan, co-founded the Korekata AIDS Law Center. Until 2012, she was the deputy director of its parent organization, Dongjen Center for Human Rights Education and Action [https://www.dongjen.org/]. At Dongjen, she founded and managed an outreach program for sex workers in Beijing after she earned her masters from Renmin University in Social Welfare in 2009. Currently Tingting is a visiting research fellow at Asia Catalyst.

Tingting has written and advocated on a range of rights-related HIV/AIDS issues, including testing and confidentiality, compensation for victims of China’s blood disaster, and the rights of sex workers and drug users. She is the author of a new report on HIV testing and human rights in China, Real-Name Testing: Is China Ready? and previously conducted research to co-author a major bilingual human rights report, China’s Blood Disaster: The Way Forward. Her articles have also appeared in the HIV/AIDS Law and Policy Review.
She will present a poster on compensation for China’s HIV blood disaster on Tuesday, July 24th from 12:30 to 2:30pm and will speak in several other sessions. In the run-up to this year’s International AIDS Conference, AIDS 2012, Tingting sat down with Asia Catalyst to chat about her work.


Please tell us about your work.

For the last few years I have been working for the Korekata AIDS Law Center. It is the first AIDS center providing service for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in China.

We basically provide free legal services and counseling to PLWHA and also organize and train lawyers to help people from the community understand their rights under the law. We also have a quarterly magazine, Korekata Magazine; it is about the development of AIDS law.
This year, from February to August, I have been the research fellow at Asia Catalyst. It has been really exciting and a great opportunity for me. I am taking some time to meet new people, and get some research done. It is a really just a good thing for me. Recently I conducted research on Real Name Testing in China, a widely debated topic in China, and I am happy that it was published in time for AIDS 2012. I am also working with a Fordham Law student to research treatment access in China, which is another important issue.
How did you get involved in this work?
I started as intern in 2007, which was when Korekata was just getting started. I helped to organize an international conference to assist lawyers on litigating AIDS cases.
I have always been very interested in marginalized populations. It’s just that in my heart I don’t discriminate against sex workers, drug users, or other marginalized people in society. I think it’s because I studied sociology in college. These people are part of our society.
Why do you want to attend AIDS 2012?
Well, it is really just exciting! I love learning about the other activists all around the world. Mostly we (activists) spend time just doing our work on the ground (in our own communities) so it is good to have a chance to share with other people and have a look at what they do and see what strategies we can use in China. Also, I think AIDS 2012 is a good place to learn about new research in the field of HIV/AIDS and best practices for prevention, especially rights based methods.
I went to the 2010 AIDS conference in Vienna. It was really dynamic conference and I was really moved by the human rights rally. Thousands of people marched across the city hall calling for human rights in the fight against HIV/AIDS. During the conference I saw a lot of activities in the Global Village- new resources, new people, and made a lot of new relationships.
Anything you want to add?
While working for Korekata I also started a sex worker outreach program. We reached 200 workers a month and published the first magazine exclusively for sex workers in China. I know the United States has been really active in the global fight against HIV/AIDS and has worked a lot in prevention and treatment and support, but I was very disappointed that sex workers have been banned from the International AIDS Conference. Support is really lacking for sex workers. It is definitely a place where there can be improvement.


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