
The 23rd International Harm Reduction Conference will be held on 9th – 12th of June, 2013, in Vilnius, Lithuania, and is being organised by Harm Reduction International in partnership with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network. The official conference theme is ‘The Value’s of Harm Reduction‘, which will provide focus on the urgent need to ensure sufficient political and financial support to address the HIV epidemic driven by injecting drug use in many parts of the world, and well as the ethical basis of the harm reduction philosophy.

第23界国际降低伤害大会将于2013年6月9-12日|为在立陶宛首都 维尔纽斯召开。大会主题为”降低伤害的价值”,主要关注世界各地毒品注射而导致的艾滋病感染问题,呼吁针对该问题号召全球政治与经济支持。


The abstract submission system for Harm Reduction 2013 is now open and will close on 30th November 2012. All delegates who wish to present at the conference, either orally or with a poster, are encouraged to make submissions
about innovative harm reduction services, new or ground-breaking research or effective and successful advocacy campaigns. In addition to these areas, the Programme Committee is particularly keen to receive abstract submissions related to the conference theme: ‘The Value/s of Harm Reduction’, and have produced a ‘Guide for Developing and Submitting an Abstract’ to further assist delegates.





The registration system for Harm Reduction 2013 is now open. Due to the success of previous conferences, and a programme of continued re-investment by the conference organisers, the delegate fees for Harm Reduction 2013 have been reduced by between 18% – 26% since the 2010 conference. In addition, there are also further discounts available for payments before the ‘Early Bird’ deadline of 11th February 2013, delegates from ‘Low’ or ‘Middle’ income counties, Harm Reduction International members, and group bookings.





Shared from the IHRA email list. For more information, please visit Harm
Reduction 2013 website or contact the conference team on



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