[:en]This week’s blog entry is an open letter from AIDS activists Li Xige and Tian Xi calling on the National People’s Congress to appoint people with HIV/AIDS as representatives. The authors invoke Party quotes to support their argument. The demand (which comes all the way at the end) breaks new ground. Currently, there are no HIV-positive representatives in China’s Congress – or, that is, none that we know of.

The “two meetings”: Every March, China holds the “two meetings” of its national policy-making bodies: the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which is a collection of representatives from various disciplines. The meetings are a major event, even though neither body is directly elected and neither has much political power. Some Chinese grassroots NGOs have been trying to lobby the NPC and make it more truly representative. At about this time each year, NGOs and policy advocates start producing memos and open letters to the NPC.

The authors: Li Xige is a renowned Henan AIDS activist who has been under house arrest on and off for a good part of the last year. She got some press on December 1, World AIDS Day, when authorities nabbed her in Beijing and sent her back to Henan. Tian Xi is a young AIDS activist with a connection to the AIDS NGO Aizhixing. He speaks some English and is becoming increasingly vocal with advocacy.

Background: Chinese AIDS activists who took part in a conference organized by Korekata AIDS Law Center and Gakushuin University in Tokyo last November (“HIV/AIDS in China: Discuss Together to Avoid Repeating the Same Mistakes”) were stunned to meet and hear from Ryuhei Kawada, a Japanese legislator and hemophiliac who became HIV-positive after a blood transfusion in the 1990s. Neither Li Xige nor Tian Xi were at the meeting, and I don’t know if they heard about Ryuhei Kawada’s speech, but it certainly sparked discussion among Chinese conference participants. In his closing comments at the conference, Tsinghua University professor Li Dun wondered aloud when China would have an HIV-positive representative in the NPC. (For more on the 1990s blood scandals in China and Japan, see AC’s 2007 report, AIDS Blood Scandals: What China Can Learn from the World’s Mistakes.)

Analysis: Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the NPC will take up Li Xige and Tian Xi’s cause; we can’t even get Li Xige out of house arrest for more than a few months at a time. I don’t know how many countries have people with HIV/AIDS in their legislative bodies. Despite a great deal of international conference rhetoric about promoting the “greater participation of people with AIDS,” twenty-five years into the epidemic we don’t yet see many people with AIDS in government. It’s great to see these Chinese advocates pushing the limits.

Note on the translation: This letter uses a lot of Party quotes to make its point, and I am not so familiar with that phraseology, so I aimed for the general meaning rather than perfect precision. The Chinese original is the authoritative version. Corrections are welcome at info@asiacatalyst.org
and the translation will be updated as corrections flow in.

Open letter for NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference/National Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin
Dear Chairman Wu Bangguo and Chairman Jia Qinglin:

We are two people living with HIV/AIDS who were infected through blood transfusions, during the mid-1990s boom in the plasma economy in
the central plains of China. The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the annual “two meetings” will also be here soon. Writing as individuals, we extend traditional Chinese Spring Festival greetings and good wishes for the New Year to both of you.

On November 30, 2008, the Ministry of Health reported that as of September 30th, China had 264,302 reported cases of people living with HIV. The Ministry of Health and other agencies now estimate that that there are about 700,000 people living with HIV/AIDS, including perhaps 440,000 people who do not yet know that they are living with the virus. While China’s overall prevalence is still relatively low, the spread of HIV from high-risk groups to the general population is increasing.
December 1, 2008 was the 21st annual World AIDS Day. On that day, Chinese Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary Hu Jintao inspected Beijing Ditan Hospital’s AIDS control and prevention work. He expressed his sympathies with the frontline AIDS workers, and met with people with AIDS and volunteers at the hospital. In the course of his visit to Ditan, General Secretary Hu said, “After years of intense effort, our nation’s work on AIDS prevention and treatment has achieved significant results. However, the situation is still quite grim, and the work of combating AIDS must continue. I urge every level of the government and the Party to make great efforts for the nation, the Chinese nationality,
and our citizens. Continue to intensify and expand AIDS prevention and treatment work, fully implementing the “Four Free and One Care” policy. Make every effort to protect the health of the masses.”

According to the demand of General Secretary Hu Jintao, we must “adhere to the scientific concept of development, adhere to the principle
of putting the people first, build a harmonious society, develop socialist democracy, and build a socialist political civilization, in order to be
victorious in achieving a well-off society while fighting to keep alive “thespirit of the 17th Party Congress.”

Under the leadership of the Party, the people are the masters of the country, and come together under a nation ruled by law. The National
People’s Congress (NPC) is our country’s fundamental system of governance, and in the multi-party cooperative and political consultative conference system which is led by the Party, the NPC is an essential part of China’s system of ad hoc socialist democracy.
The NPC is China’s highest organ of state power, and it represents the people in exercising state power. This august legislative power establishes socialist law and has the power to institute policy. Its members are elected by the Central People’s Government, the Supreme People’s Court, as well as the leading central members of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Under the principle of “one government, two courts”, it does the work of supervision, protecting the role of the people as the masters, and administering the nation according to law.
The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) acts under the leadership of the Party, all the democratic parties, the mass organizations, and representatives of every sector of society, on the shared basis of a commitment to the Constitution. On major domestic affairs and important local issues, the CPPCC employs a democratic system of consultation that includes openly discussing these issues with the public, developing socialist democracy, and collecting the views of all sides, in order to find a consensus that can resolve the issues.

The CPPCC participates in the management of national affairs, policy formulation, and the implementation of laws and regulation. It plays a role in political consultation, in democratic supervision and in political decision-making.
HIV/AIDS is a major global public health and social problem. The rapid spread of the epidemic and resulting high mortality has posed a serious threat to human survival and development. In China, HIV/AIDS has already entered a period of rapid transmission. The number of people living with HIV has already reached 700,000. If we do not take effective measures, China will become one of the countries with the largest number of people with AIDS in the world. AIDS will become a national disaster.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the work of AIDS prevention, and have categorized it as one of the three infectious diseases that connects economic development, social stability, national security and the strategic rise and fall of the Chinese nationality. They have placed HIV/AIDS on the critical political work agenda. They have formulated a series of policies, including the “Medium and Long-term Plan for AIDS Prevention and Control in China” and the “Chinese Plan of Action to Contain and Combat AIDS”, creating clear objectives and tasks in the work of AIDS prevention.
As General Secretary Hu Jintao observed, “HIV/AIDS prevention and control is a major issue which relates to the quality of the Chinese nationality, and the rise and fall of the nation. Party and government leaders at every level must raise their awareness, mobilize all of society, and use education to engage in action. They must commit to prevention and treatment, and resolutely slow the spread of the epidemic.”

Premier Wen Jiabao observed, “The State Council has attached great importance to the prevention and treatment of AIDS, and has conducted
research and deployed resources to that program. We must implement the responsibility system and strengthen the prevention and treatment plan: supervising inspections, building teams, and managing all the necessary infrastructure work according to the law. At the same time, we must take note of successful experiences, and step up efforts. We must understand that HIV/AIDS is a major issue and relates to our Chinese nationality’s fundamental interests.[“]

Prevention and treatment must adhere to the law and be controlled by science; it must adhere to a government-led approach that includes multi-sectoral cooperation and the participation of all of society. We must strengthen the treatment and care of people living with HIV/AIDS and protect their legitimate rights and interests. We must strengthen international cooperation and exchange, and raise the level of our AIDS prevention efforts.
We should protect the legitimate rights and interests of people with AIDS and not allow them to be infringed upon, and protect the right to survival and right to development of those 700,000 Chinese people now living with AIDS, and really implement the Constitutional promise to “respect and protect human rights.” We should strengthen prevention and treatment in accordance with the law, and do the work of scientific prevention and treatment; effectively promote a socialist democratic system; put into practice Chinese human rights and AIDS prevention and control, and launch the smooth and orderly conduct of all related work.
Based on this, it is our belief that it is appropriate for the 700,000 people with AIDS in China to have a certain percentage of representatives participating in the NPC, CPPCC and related work. This will enable us to more effectively promote the development of China’s AIDS treatment and prevention work, and will strengthen the country’s ability to supervise the work of AIDS prevention and treatment according to the law,
and to implement a human rights protection system. Appointing such representatives would also promote the superiority of China’s system of socialist democracy. It would promote the people’s active participation in politics, and move forward the work of activating China’s human rights policies.

In this context, we recommend reserving places for people with AIDS to participate in the “two meetings”, enabling them to participate in National Public Health Service management, and to exercise representative power on behalf of the people. In this way, we can ensure that the health and safety of Chinese people are given greater attention and a more effective degree of protection.

Chinese people with HIV/AIDS: Li Xige and Tian Xi

New Year’s Eve, 2009

In Beijing

The Chinese original follows:




我们是中国九十年代中期中原地区因血浆经济,造成输血感染爱知病,尚且存活着的两名受害人。 新年将至,一年一度的”两会”也即将临近。在此,谨代表个人向两位领导,致以中国传统新春佳节的节日问候和美好祝愿。





12月1日,恰逢第21 个世界艾滋病日之际,中共中央胡锦涛总书记莅临北京地坛医院考察爱知病防治工作,亲切慰问了爱知病防治工作前线的医务工作















爱知病中国人 :李喜阁   田喜


This week’s blog entry is an open letter from AIDS activists
Li Xige and Tian Xi calling on the National People’s Congress to appoint people
with HIV/AIDS as representatives. The authors invoke Party quotes to support
their argument. The demand (which comes all the way at the end) breaks new
ground. Currently, there are no HIV-positive representatives in China’s
Congress – or, that is, none that we know of.

The “two meetings”:
Every March, China
holds the “two meetings” of its national policy-making bodies: the National
People’s Congress (NPC)
and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
(CPPCC), which is a collection of representatives from various
disciplines. The meetings are a major event, even though neither body is
directly elected and neither has much political power. Some Chinese grassroots
NGOs have been trying to lobby the NPC and make it more truly representative. At
about this time each year, NGOs and policy advocates start producing memos and
open letters to the NPC.


The authors: Li
Xige is a renowned Henan AIDS activist who has been under house arrest on and
off for a good part of the last year. She got some press on December 1, World
AIDS Day, when authorities nabbed her in Beijing
and sent her back to Henan.
Tian Xi is a young AIDS activist with a connection to the AIDS NGO Aizhixing. He
speaks some English and is becoming increasingly vocal with advocacy.


Background: Chinese
AIDS activists who took part in a conference organized by Korekata AIDS Law
Center and Gakushuin University in Tokyo last November (“HIV/AIDS in China: Discuss
Together to Avoid Repeating the Same Mistakes”
) were stunned to meet and hear from
Ryuhei Kawada, a Japanese legislator and hemophiliac who became HIV-positive after
a blood transfusion in the 1990s. Neither Li Xige nor Tian Xi were at the
meeting, and I don’t know if they heard about Ryuhei Kawada’s speech, but it
certainly sparked discussion among Chinese conference participants. In his
closing comments at the conference, Tsinghua University professor Li Dun
wondered aloud when China would have an HIV-positive representative in the NPC.
(For more on the 1990s blood scandals in China
and Japan,
see AC’s 2007 report, AIDS Blood Scandals: What China Can Learn
from the World’s Mistakes


Analysis: Unfortunately,
it’s unlikely that the NPC will take up Li Xige and Tian Xi’s cause; we can’t
even get Li Xige out of house arrest for more than a few months at a time. I
don’t know how many countries have people with HIV/AIDS in their legislative
bodies. Despite a great deal of international conference rhetoric about
promoting the “greater participation of people with AIDS,” twenty-five years
into the epidemic we don’t yet see many people with AIDS in government. It’s
great to see these Chinese advocates pushing the limits.


Note on the
: This letter uses a lot of Party quotes to make its point, and I
am not so familiar with that phraseology, so I aimed for the general meaning
rather than perfect precision. The Chinese original is the authoritative
version. Corrections are welcome at info@asiacatalyst.org
and the translation will be updated as corrections flow in.



Open letter for NPC
Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo and the Chinese People’s Political
Consultative Conference/National Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin

Dear Chairman Wu Bangguo and Chairman Jia Qinglin:

We are two people living with HIV/AIDS who were infected
through blood transfusions, during the mid-1990s boom in the plasma economy in
the central plains of China.
The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the annual “two meetings”
will also be here soon. Writing as individuals, we extend traditional Chinese
Spring Festival greetings and good wishes for the New Year to both of you.

On November 30, 2008, the Ministry of Health reported that as of September 30th,
had 264,302 reported cases of people living with HIV. The Ministry of Health and
other agencies now estimate that that there are about 700,000 people living
with HIV/AIDS, including perhaps 440,000 people who do not yet know that they
are living with the virus. While China’s overall prevalence is still
relatively low, the spread of HIV from high-risk groups to the general population
is increasing.

December 1, 2008 was the 21st annual World AIDS Day. On that day, Chinese
Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary Hu Jintao inspected Beijing Ditan Hospital’s
AIDS control and prevention work. He expressed his sympathies with the
frontline AIDS workers, and met with people with AIDS and volunteers at the
hospital. In the course of his visit to Ditan, General Secretary Hu said,
“After years of intense effort, our nation’s work on AIDS prevention and
treatment has achieved significant results. However, the situation is still
quite grim, and the work of combating AIDS must continue. I urge every level of
the government and the Party to make great efforts for the nation, the Chinese nationality,
and our citizens. Continue to intensify and expand AIDS prevention and
treatment work, fully implementing the “Four Free and One Care” policy. Make
every effort to protect the health of the masses.”


According to the demand of General Secretary Hu Jintao, we
must “adhere to the scientific concept of development, adhere to the principle
of putting the people first, build a harmonious society, develop socialist
democracy, and build a socialist political civilization, in order to be
victorious in achieving a well-off society while fighting to keep alive “the
spirit of the 17th Party Congress.”


Under the leadership of the Party, the people are the
masters of the country, and come together under a nation ruled by law. The National
People’s Congress (NPC) is our country’s fundamental system of governance, and
in the multi-party cooperative and political consultative conference system
which is led by the Party, the NPC is an essential part of China’s system
of ad hoc socialist democracy.

The NPC is China’s
highest organ of state power, and it represents the people in exercising state
power. This august legislative power establishes socialist law and has the
power to institute policy. Its members are elected by the Central People’s
Government, the Supreme People’s Court, as well as the leading central members
of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Under the principle of “one government,
two courts”, it does the work of supervision, protecting the role of the people
as the masters, and administering the nation according to law.

The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) acts under the
leadership of the Party, all the democratic parties, the mass organizations,
and representatives of every sector of society, on the shared basis of a commitment
to the Constitution. On major domestic affairs and important local issues, the
CPPCC employs a democratic system of consultation that includes oepnly
discussing these issues with the public, developing socialist democracy, and
collecting the views of all sides, in order to find a consensus that can
resolve the issues.


The CPPCC participates in the management of national
affairs, policy formulation, and the implementation of laws and regulation. It
plays a role in political consultation, in democratic supervision and in
political decision-making.

HIV/AIDS is a major global public health and social problem. The rapid spread
of the epidemic and resulting high mortality has posed a serious threat to
human survival and development. In China, HIV/AIDS has already entered
a period of rapid transmission. The number of people living with HIV has
already reached 700,000. If we do not take effective measures, China
will become one of the countries with the largest number of people with AIDS in
the world. AIDS will become a national disaster.


The Party Central Committee and the State Council have
attached great importance to the work of AIDS prevention, and have categorized
it as one of the three infectious diseases that connects economic development,
social stability, national security and the strategic rise and fall of the Chinese
nationality. They have placed HIV/AIDS on the critical political work agenda.
They have formulated a series of policies, including the “Medium and Long-term
Plan for AIDS Prevention and Control in China” and the “Chinese Plan of Action
to Contain and Combat AIDS”, creating clear objectives and tasks in the work of
AIDS prevention.

As General Secretary Hu Jintao observed, “HIV/AIDS prevention and control is a
major issue which relates to the quality of the Chinese nationality, and the
rise and fall of the nation. Party and government leaders at every level must
raise their awareness, mobilize all of society, and use education to engage in
action. They must commit to prevention and treatment, and resolutely slow the
spread of the epidemic.”


Premier Wen Jiabao observed, “The State Council has attached
great importance to the prevention and treatment of AIDS, and has conducted
research and deployed resources to that program. We must implement the
responsibility system and strengthen the prevention and treatment plan: supervising
inspections, building teams, and managing all the necessary infrastructure work
according to the law. At the same time, we must take note of successful
experiences, and step up efforts. We must understand that HIV/AIDS is a major
issue and relates to our Chinese nationality’s fundamental interests.[“]


Prevention and treatment must adhere to the law and be
controlled by science; it must adhere to a government-led approach that
includes multi-sectoral cooperation and the participation of all of society. We
must strengthen the treatment and care of people living with HIV/AIDS and
protect their legitimate rights and interests. We must strengthen international
cooperation and exchange, and raise the level of our AIDS prevention efforts.

We should protect the legitimate rights and interests of people with AIDS and
not allow them to be infringed upon, and protect the right to survival and
right to development of those 700,000 Chinese people now living with AIDS, and
really implement the Constitutional promise to “respect and protect human
rights.” We should strengthen prevention and treatment in accordance with the
law, and do the work of scientific prevention and treatment; effectively
promote a socialist democratic system; put into practice Chinese human rights
and AIDS prevention and control, and launch the smooth and orderly conduct of
all related work.

Based on this, it is our belief that it is appropriate for the 700,000 people
with AIDS in China
to have a certain percentage of representatives participating in the NPC, CPPCC
and related work. This will enable us to more effectively promote the
development of China’s
AIDS treatment and prevention work, and will strengthen the country’s ability
to supervise the work of AIDS prevention and treatment according to the law,
and to implement a human rights protection system. Appointing such
representatives would also promote the superiority of China’s system
of socialist democracy. It would promote the people’s active participation in
politics, and move forward the work of activating China’s human rights policies.


In this context, we recommend reserving places for people
with AIDS to participate in the “two meetings”, enabling them to participate in
National Public Health Service management, and to exercise representative power
on behalf of the people. In this way, we can ensure that the health and safety
of Chinese people are given greater attention and a more effective degree of


Chinese people with HIV/AIDS: Li Xige and Tian Xi

New Year’s Eve, 2009

In Beijing



The Chinese original



我们是中国九十年代中期中原地区因血浆经济,造成输血感染爱知病,尚且存活着的两名受害人。 新年将至,一年一度的”两会”也即将临近。在此,谨代表个人向两位领导,致以中国传统新春佳节的节日问候和美好祝愿。





12月1日,恰逢第21 个世界艾滋病日之际,中共中央胡锦涛总书记莅临北京地坛医院考察爱知病防治工作,亲切慰问了爱知病防治工作前线的医务工作

























爱知病中国人 :李喜阁   田喜


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