
By Zhang Lan and Li Man

From January 14-16,
2010, the Chinese Sex Workers’ Network held its second national training
workshop for sex work NGOs in Qingdao. The purpose was to help build the
capacity of staff at sex work NGOs, as well as targeted training for staff on
project management, institution building, project expansion, and so on.


Under the guidance of
these experts, Phoenix staffperson Zhang Lan was able for the first time to
systematically study project planning, the need for clear concepts behind
program design, and got some information about international organizations that
support sex workers. Information about sex work and law is extremely important
to our organization, so we’re delighted that Zhang Lan can pass on what she
learned about legal information to our sisters, as the sisters really lack this
kind of information. Because of their long-term work in the sex industry, our
sisters have internalized discrimination. They think that it is natural for
police to attack them, and they don’t have high self-esteem, so when they get into
conflicts with the authorities they don’t know what their rights are.


The training also
covered “occupational safety”. Many sisters are raped, gang raped, robbed, or
victims of violence. Often they live in silence out of fear of exposure, and do
not dare to report the identity of their attackers, which only contributes to
the arrogance of the criminals. In our work, we encourage our sisters who have
these kinds of experiences to report it as far as possible, using the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. Through our small group discussions, we share
information about these violent clients, so that sisters won’t take their
money. We also encourage sisters to work in pairs, so that clients have no
opportunity to become violent.


On projects that target sex workers, Zhang Lan learned how to
monitor and assess implementation of the project and how to include some
information on STDs and HIV/AIDS. Zhang Lan’s feeling was that in order to do a
good project, you really need to have a good team, and to build good working
relationships with local government agencies, as well as continuing to improve
the abiliity of staff people.


Zhang Lan and Li Man are staff of Phoenix (苦草工作室), an organization of sex workers and women
with HIV in Yunnan Province, China.


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