
Sex worker protest at the conference to demand decriminalization (Photo by Zhao Gang)

At the Vienna conference, thousands took to the streets to call for human rights to be integrated into AIDS policies and programs. They gathered in the Heldenplatz, a historic square in front of the Austrian Parliament building, to cheer the heads of UNAIDS, the Global Fund, and international AIDS activists such as Mark Heywood, and to dance and sing with pop singer Annie Lennox.


While thousands marched and cheered,
Viennese police stood on the sidelines and watched, calmly. A few officers even
danced to the music. Some Chinese NGO colleagues expressed amazement at the sight
– but in fact, public protest is part of the venerable tradition of the
International AIDS Conference – even of the global AIDS movement.


In the early years of the HIV/AIDS
epidemic, when some commentators called it “the gay plague”, Western government
leaders refused to even mention the epidemic in public. There was no funding
for research, and no meeting to bring scientists and experts together at an International
AIDS Conference. These things came into existence because AIDS activists in
many countries staged protests demanding government funding for AIDS research.
Their protests and demands eventually led to the creation of the Global Fund,
national AIDS programs, and the International AIDS Conference.


At the AIDS Conference in Durban,
South Africa in 2000, AIDS activists staged massive protests to demand funding
for treatment. The existence of government and non-profit organizations
providing ARVs to 5.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS today is a direct
result of the Durban protests.


This year, guidelines for speakers at
the AIDS conference informed us that protests are a respected part of the
conference, nothing to get upset about. And indeed there were daily protests by
activists to demand increased funding for the Global Fund, decriminalization of
sex work, and to “zap” (that is, interrupt the presentations of) speakers who
represented countries that activists feel have not done enough to address
HIV/AIDS. Some protests were carefully planned in advance, while others were
more spontaneous. Often the protests crossed national, gender and identity
lines to bring diverse activists together. In many cases, the disruption only
took place long enough to make a point, and the conference program then
continued as planned.


Many aspects of the
AIDS movement that we now take for granted (such as the conference itself) came
about because of the work of AIDS activists in the past. That’s why we were
proud to join with colleagues from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America to
call for human rights as part of the world’s response to HIV/AIDS – now more
than ever.











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