Microbicide gel: A major breakthrough in AIDS fight

In one of the most attention-grabbing
sessions of the conference, the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in
South Africa reported that a clinical study of 889 women has found that a microbicide
gel used before and after sex could reduce risk of HIV infection by nearly 40
percent.  The findings are especially encouraging
as six previous microbicide trials have failed over the past fourteen years.
The self-applied gel could make it possible for women to reduce the risk of HIV






Although the results appear promising,
researchers noted that more tests must be conducted, more protective
formulations of the gel must be found, and marketing must be tailored to the
women who will use it. The gel’s effectiveness must still be confirmed in a
larger clinical trial, which is currently under way. Researchers are also
exploring more potent formulations that would provide an even greater reduction
in the risk of HIV transmission.


“The gel is not perfect.  But for the first time in the fight to
control the global epidemic, it offers women a way to protect themselves even
without the cooperation of their male partners,” according to a New
York Times editorial
.  Women make up
half of the roughly 33 million people who are HIV-positive, and as South
African AIDS activist Vuyiseka Dubula pointed out, “When women want to engage in sex,
we don’t want to spend the time negotiating safety.”

In a time of limited financial and
political resources, a microbicide gel is a cost-effective, promising
prevention strategy. It will take time, however, for the microbicide gel to
undergo further testing and become available to women who need it.







advances give Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis momentum

The success of the CAPRISA microbicide
study has had a positive impact on other new prevention  strategies, including Pre-Exposure
Prophylaxis (PrEP).  PrEP is a
treatment-as-prevention approach where an HIV-uninfected person takes an oral
pill to prevent infection.

Giving medicine to those who are
uninfected is not a new concept.  It is a
common prevention strategy for malaria. But the recent success of microbicide
research has raised expectations for PrEP.
If successful, PrEP would benefit all at-risk populations but is
especially promising for women, who urgently need prevention methods that they
can control independently of men.
Currently, scientists are conducting PrEP trials in Botswana, Brazil,
Ecuador, Kenya, Malawi, Peru, Thailand, Uganda and the United States.


Despite the renewed push behind PrEP,
the experimental approach is not without controversy.  Concerns remain regarding the side effects of
taking an ongoing drug. Increased drug resistance and the harm that can be
caused by non-adherence are also issues of concern to scientists. The most
vocal concern remains one of funding: if there is already limited access to
funding for HIV treatment for those who are already living with HIV, how can
the drugs be provided to those who are uninfected as well?


Leading journalist Jon Cohen noted
that funding was a valid concern but that the debate was premature.  “The argument that
prevention somehow competes with treatment funding is kind of the oldest,
silliest argument in the field,”
he said.
“[But] we have to see what the clinical trials show, if it works and how
it works under what conditions.  Then
let’s worry about the money.”











Patent Pool could improve access to ARVs

Ellen ‘t Hoen of UNITAID spoke about
the Medicines Patent Pool, which will allow patent holders to voluntarily offer the
intellectual property related to ARVs under certain conditions.  Any company wishing to use the intellectual
property to produce the drugs can do so in exchange for a royalty payment.  ‘t Hoen noted that if licenses for patents on
AIDS drugs are not made available in countries that grant patents, generic
competition will no longer be able to play a role in bringing down prices.


Over the past 10 years, activism,
generic competition for medications, the development of fixed-dose
combinations, and many countries’ willingness to use flexibilities in national
and international patent rules have greatly increased access to ART.  However, many patients will soon need to
switch to much more expensive second- and third-line drugs, and the WHO is
recommending newer, safer, patent-protected medications.


By making licenses available and
harnessing the power of competition in medicines markets, the patent pool could
promote the availability of better and more robust treatments and generate
considerable cost savings.









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