Asia Catalyst, Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group and Dongjen Center for Human Rights Education and Action announce the publication of the second in our series of human rights manuals for grassroots groups from HIV/AIDS-affected communities: Know It: The Rights Framework. 

The series, Know It, Prove It, Change It: A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups aims to help grassroots groups to understand their basic rights, document abuses, and advocate for change. The series has three parts:

  • Know It: The Rights Framework introduces human rights standards and links them to real-life issues faced by marginalized communities,
  • Prove It: Documenting Rights Abuses explains how to plan and conduct rights research, and
  • Change It: Ending Rights Abuses shows how to plan and carry out practical local, national and global policy advocacy campaigns.

Know It gives an overview to the relationship between HIV/AIDS and human rights, introduces the human rights system, and uses real-life questions and cases shared with us by grassroots NGOs in China and Thailand to show how these international standards apply in practice. It includes a manual and a trainer’s supplement with exercises to use in workshops.

The book will be available in a final design format in print, as well as in Chinese and Thai translations, in early 2012. You can download Know It here.
Prove It: Documenting Rights Abuses is also available online for free download in English, Chinese and Thai here.

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