By Hou Ye

The debate around real-name HIV testing–sparked by proposals in Guangxi and Hunan provinces early this year–has pushed the issue of confidentiality once again to center stage. To decrease loss to follow-up among people who test positive for HIV (i.e. people not returning for their results), testing agencies should rigorously protect patients’ confidentiality. Without an expectation of confidentiality, people may be reluctant to return for test results and be HIV-identified. This issue is no longer just relevant to hospitals, as a growing number of community-based organizations have begun providing HIV screening to their members and clients. Many of these organizations work with key affected populations (KAPs), such as gay and male sex workers, provide HIV screening to their communities. It is important for these agencies to share their experiences.


The director of a Kunming-based NGO that started rapid HIV testing in June 2010 told Asia Catalyst: “In this city, you have always been required to register your real name and ID number if you want to take a HIV test but we provide anonymous HIV screening in our organization. It’s very convenient, and it takes only 20 to 30 minutes to get the results.” And their services don’t stop there. “[O]ur peer consultants provide consultation before and after the test. If it’s positive, we accompany the patient to the municipal Center for Disease Control (CDC) for confirmation, in order to help them calm their nerves.” According to their own count, 70 percent of those who went for screening are male sex workers and gay university students. With this kind of support, the follow-up loss rate among people who tested positive dropped from 50 to around 10 percent.


In 2006, Yunnan became the first province to make the switch from anonymous to real-name testing. Citing confidentiality concerns, fewer people overall chose to be tested after the switch. Worse, because of an increase in mandatory targets, medical institutes and NGOs spent money paying people to get tested and not on more interventions such as safe-sex consultations and psychological counseling. Ultimately the CDCs in Yunnan returned to anonymous testing. This wasn’t soon enough–many KAPs are no longer willing to get tested because of trust and confidentiality problems.


In 2009, an NGO along the coast initiated the rapid HIV test in local community of men who have sex with men (MSM) with foreign funding. This form of testing, using blood from fingertips, was well received in the community and quickly became popular, because of the speedy results. Compared to the cold and soulless atmosphere of the hospital, individuals can choose to be tested in a more comfortable environment with privacy, respect, and careful consultation from their peers and NGO. “Rapid HIV tests tie us to the community, which enables us to conduct more comprehensive HIV/AIDS intervention,” one staffer commented.


Recognition for the role of these tests is coming. Dr. Wu Zunyou, director of the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, said in an interview: “[C]ommunity-based organizations are a bridge between the government, medical institutes and KAPs. The HIV screening they provide lessens people’s worries and helps to expand the population for testing.” Furthermore, our Chinese partner organizations tell us that municipal CDCs in many cities have or plan to collaborate with local NGOs to provide rapid HIV tests in local communities, an official recognition of the services that these local organizations have to offer.

通过几年的试验,以社会组织为主导的快检模式已经初见成效。中国疾控中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心主任吴尊友博士提出应鼓励社区卫生服务机构提供艾滋病快检服务,”社区组织是连接政府和疾控机构与高危行为人群的中间纽带,社区机构进行检测不仅会减少筛查者的顾虑,也会扩大检测范围。” 亚洲促进会也了解到,在中国北部、西南以及沿海地区,多个城市的疾控中心已经或逐渐开始为社区组织提供技术或资源,支持他们在当地开展这项服务,为社区开展快速检测的合法性敲下了定音锤。

The trust and deepening cooperation between medical institutes and NGOs is one important step but challenges remain. One young NGO worker explained: “Because of different capacity levels, it will make a lot of trouble if too many organizations are providing these services without careful planning and systematic capacity building. A lot of technical issues need to be tackled here, such as emergency treatment, identity exposure during the testing, capacity of consulting and informing, etc.” But she quickly added, “Improving your professionalism and the service you provide is the only way to win the recognition of the community.”

对于疾控等卫生部门和民间组织来说,社区快检能够加强彼此间的信任,深化合作。但同时,大面积推行社区快检也为民间组织带来了巨大的挑战,”如果盲目地大范围地推广快检,是会出大乱子的。因为目前很多社区组织的能力参差不齐,如果没有经过专门培训就开展服务会产生很多问题,如突发状况的应急处理、快检过程中的暴露问题,受检人员结果告知的接受能力评估等等”, 一位年轻的NGO工作人员表示了他的担忧#。这也给很多即将开展社区快检的机构敲响警钟,”只有不断提升自身和服务的专业度,才能够最终获得社区的认可。”他补充道。

 Hou Ye is the China Program Assistant at Asia Catalyst. This post was translated from its original Chinese.

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