Please join Asia Catalyst in a series of workshops, roundtables, and presentations on HIV/AIDS and human rights in Asia. Look for us at our Global Village, or online at, @saralmdavis, and 

Below is the complete list of all our events and the presentations by the China delegation with time, date, location. See you there!
Sunday, July 22: 
Know It, Prove It, Change It Workshop 
Through a hands-on approach, participants will gain a basic understanding of the international human rights framework and how it applies to HIV, core skills in human rights research and documentation, and the basics of human rights advocacy planning. Our training curriculum handbooks will be provided. The workshop will be led by Karyn Kaplan (Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group), Sara L.M. Davis (Asia Catalyst) and Shen Tingting (Korekata AIDS Law Center). Chinese language translation available. 
Time: Workshop: 2:00-6:00pm; Buffet dinner: 6:00-8:00pm 
Pre-registration required: Open to all staff of AIDS NGOs, whether or not you are registered for the conference. Please contact Shalena Krumm ( to register.

Monday, July 23: 

Drug Policy vs. HIV: Mutually Exclusive? 
Effective public health work is often hampered by the punitive approach to drug use, leaving drug users exposed to the risks of acquiring HIV and viral Hepatitis, overdosing or experiencing untreated drug problems. Untreated tension exists between law enforcement, policing, drug control and, on the other hand, human rights, dignity and healthcare. Moving beyond a limited criminal justice response to drug use is essential if we are to eliminate blood-borne HIV and provide for healthier communities. Visiting research fellow Shen Tingting (Korekata AIDS Law Center) will participate in the panel to share information on employment discrimination against injection drug users in China. 
Time: 7:00-8:30am 
Location: Session Room 8; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place  
A Qualitative Study of Challenges Facing Female PLWHA from Ethnic Minority Communities in China’s Border Area 
The Asia Catalyst China team will present a poster on behalf of Wei Hongjun, who surveyed the needs of rural ethnic minority communities affected by HIV/AIDS. Wei Hongjun is the founder of Yuanyang Titian, a grassroots organization that provides HIV/AIDS care and treatment support to ethnic minority women living on China’s border with Vietnam. She is also a member of Asia Catalyst’s 2012 NGO Leadership Cohort. 
Time: 12:30-2:30pm 
Location: Poster Exhibition Hall; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Sustaining the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS in China
The Asia Catalyst China team will present results from a survey assessing how to promote the greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in China’s AIDS response. 
Time: 12:30-2:30pm 
Location: Poster Exhibition Hall; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Providing Front Line Health Services to Migrant Male Sex Workers: A Case Study from Tianjin, China 
Chinese activist Xiao Bao will present a case study evaluating the effectiveness of providing male sex workers with testing and other health services through a domestic NGO network. Xiao Bao is a member of Asia Catalyst’s 2012 NGO Leadership Cohort. 
Time: 12:30-2:30pm 
Location: Poster Exhibition Hall; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Sex Work in China: A Roundtable Discussion 
China’s 2010 “Strike Hard Campaign” put in place a zero tolerance policy on sex work, gambling and drugs all across China. While many brothels and popular clubs were closed, ultimately sex workers continued work in more remote areas. In this roundtable discussion, a Chinese sex worker activist, two Chinese NGOs that provide outreach and legal aid services to male and female sex workers, and the chair of the board of the China Sex Worker Organization Network will share their experiences and views on such issues as criminalization, discrimination and the legal challenges sex workers face in China. Moderated by Sara LM Davis (Asia Catalyst). 
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm 
Location: Sex Worker Networking Zone, Global Village; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place

Tuesday July 24: 
March: We Can End AIDS 
Join our team at the Global Village, booth number 612, half an hour before the We Can End AIDS march. We will walk together to demand economic justice and affordable, accessible treatment for all. Learn more about the movement and sponsor here: 
Time: 11:30am 
Location: Asia Catalyst Booth, 612 in the Global Village 
Wednesday, July 25: 
Ask the Activist: Chinese and Thai HIV/AIDS Activists Answer Your Questions About Doing Research and Advocacy
This session will allow attendees the opportunity to hear two activists, one from China and one from Thailand, discuss the contexts in which they work, including challenges, creative solutions, and outcomes of doing human rights research and advocacy with highly marginalized, criminalized populations affected by HIV. 
Time: 9:00-10:30am 
Location: Human Rights Networking Zone, Global Village; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Chinese AIDS NGOs: Opportunities and Challenges 
In the past ten years, Chinese civil society has boomed, with hundreds of young activists forming new non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to combat the AIDS pandemic. What innovative solutions is this dynamic sector developing to respond to challenges? What are the developing trends? A group of Chinese civil society leaders will explore these and related questions. They include Yuan Wenli, national secretary of the Women’s Network Against AIDS China (WNAC), Tony Zheng, board chair of the China Sex Worker Organization Network, and Shen Tingting, formerly co-founder of the Korekata AIDS Law Center. Sara Davis, executive director of Asia Catalyst, will moderate the discussion. 
Time: 10:30am -12:00pm 
Location: Asia Pacific Networking Zone, Global Village; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Are NGOs and Communities Marginalized at this Conference? 
Sara LM Davis (Asia Catalyst)’s poster presentation examines ways in which the International AIDS Conference’s emphasis on quantitative research tends to favor academic and large research institutions and makes it challenging for NGOs, lawyers and marginalized communities to get onto the formal program. 
Time: 12:30-2:30pm 
Location: Poster Exhibition Hall; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place
Asia Catalyst Networking Hour 
Join us for a casual networking event at a local restaurant/bar to meet the China NGO delegation and hear about their exciting work. 
Time: 5:00-7:00pm 
Location: 901 Bar and Restaurant, 901 Ninth Street NW / Washington, DC 20001 (between I and 9th street) 
Thursday, July 26: 
Torture As Treatment 
Gisa Hartmann, Asia Catalyst’s China program director, will present on the conditions inside forced detox centers and re-education camps for sex workers and drug users in China. 
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Location: Prisoners Networking Zone, Global Village; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place 
Mainstreaming Gender into The National Global Fund Strategy in China: A Case Study from a Grassroots Women’s NGO Network 
Join one of our Chinese activists, Yuan Wenli, the secretary of Women’s Network Against HIV/AIDS in China, China’s largest network of women affected by HIV/AIDS, as she presents her work at this oral poster session. 
Time: 11:00am -12:30pm 
Location: Mini Room 9; Convention Center at 801 Mt Vernon Place

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