
Only wheelchair entrance to Zhengzhou Railway Station. Photo courtesy of Yirenping.
While International Day of Persons with Disabilities is not until December 3rd, China celebrated its own National Persons With Disabilities Day on August 11th. With the help of civil rights group Yirenping, innovative advocacy activities were held around the country to draw attention to disability discrimination. Below are a few pictures and descriptions of the events:


Wang Jinlei poses with his compensation. Photo courtesy of Yirenping.

Henan–On August 6th Wang Jinlei waited in front of the locked wheelchair entrance to the Zhengzhou Railway Station for an hour -eventually missing his train to Chongqing- while his calls for assistance to the service phone went unanswered. Citing the regulations on accessibility that came into force on August 1st Wang demanded an explanation from the Management Committee of the railway station. The Committee apologized to Wang, promised barrier-free access within the week, and compensated him 3000 yuan (almost $475) for lost wages. This is the first known case of compensation since new regulations came into force. 


Yang Zhanqing gives water to a helpful cab driver. Photo courtesy of Yirenping.
Shenzhen– On August 9th, Yang Zhanqing, a public interest disability activist, secretly filmed himself in a wheelchair trying to hail a cab near the Dafen subway entrance. During a peak period from 10:30 to 12:00 in the morning, Yang hailed a total of 21 taxis with 17 only of the drivers agreeing to take him making the rate of refusal nearly one fifth. Using this data Yang wrote to the taxi Company to advocate for stronger taxi supervision. 

Activist performs street theatre to call attention to lack of wheelchair access. Photo courtesy of Yirenping.

Zhengzhou–On National Persons With Disabilities Day, three men in wheelchairs performed a performance piece called “Money but no access” in front of several banks in Zhengzhou. The art was designed to call attention to the lack of wheelchair access at most banks. In follow-up the men wrote to the Zhengzhou Municipal Government, the Postal Savings Bank and five others to advocate for new plans that incorporate wheelchair access.

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