[FUNDING OPPORTUNITY] New Zealand Head of Mission Fund

(Crossposted from China Head of Mission Fund)
China Head of Mission Fund Deadline
The Head of Mission Fund (HOMF) for China is a small discretionary grant scheme managed by the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing.  The HOMF is a component of the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international aid and development programme managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).
Applications for the next round of China Head of Mission Fund should be send to the New Zealand Embassy, Beijing before Friday 6 December 2013.
Guidelines and Application Form are available on the website below.
Please note that applications may be completed in either Chinese or English. For more information please visit our website here for English or here for Chinese language.

Call For Applications: 亚洲促进会技术支持项目—-社区研究与倡导


Call for Applications: 

Asia Catalyst Technical Assistance Program — Community Research and Advocacy


In 2013-14, Asia Catalyst will provide technical assistance to sex worker community organizations in China. We welcome sex worker organizations, that want to document community issues and conduct advocacy, to apply. We will provide training and coaching to assist selected organizations to conduct community research, and work together to conduct advocacy on the issue. 


For this project Asia Catalyst will select two sex worker community organizations, and provide three face-to-face workshops by Asia Catalyst between December 2013 and July 2014. In between these trainings, we will provide coaching through telephone and internet. The skills the program aims to develop are: selecting a community issue and determining an advocacy goal; basics of community research and documentation; developing and implementing an advocacy plan. The training and coaching plan will be tailor-made based on the needs of the organization. As part of the project, the two organizations will develop an advocacy plan and a short report on the community issue before July 2014. In addition, Asia Catalyst may select one representative of the two organizations to attend the International AIDS Conference held in Melbourne, Australia in July 2014. This will depend on result of fundraising and scholarship application. 


Please note that Asia Catalyst will cover all the cost for the training, provide limited support for transportation allowance for interviewees as part of the community research project, and one scholarship for attending the International AIDS Conference. This program does not provide any other grant funds or compensation. All materials gathered by the sex worker organization will be the sole property of that organization. With the permission of the organization, Asia Catalyst may use these materials for the purpose of advocacy.


Interested groups should fill out and email the application form in Chinese to tshen@asiacatalyst.org by November 22, 2013.  Download the application here: AdvoCoachingChinaSWapplicationNov2013.doc.

Call for Applications: China Nonprofit Leadership Cohort

Asia Catalyst is now accepting applications from nonprofit grassroots organizations in China working on health rights for the new Nonprofit Leadership Cohort Program of the year 2013-2014. The Nonprofit Leadership Cohort is an intensive one-year capacity-building program aimed at building skills in organizational management through hands-on workshops, peer support and individualized coaching.



Asia Catalyst Quoted in The Guardian

Asia Catalyst Speaks Out Against Bathhouse Ban for PLHIV

Shen Tingting, Director of Advocacy, was quoted last week in The Guardian speaking out against a proposed ban on people living with HIV from entering spas, bathhouses, and foot massage parlors.  Asia Catalyst partner, Yu Fangqiang of Justice for All in Nanjing is also featured in the piece.

Read the article at The Guardian.


Asia Catalyst and Partner Organizations to Participate in ICAAP11

medres-icaap-11-logo.jpgBy Annika Schaefer

From November 18th to 22nd Asia Catalyst staff and delegates from four Chinese partner organizations will gather with other advocates from the region at the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICCAP). Delegates will present their work, meet with advocacy targets, and attend community and scientific sessions.  The congress, to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, is the largest forum on HIV/AIDS in the Asia-Pacific region.

Among the expected 4,000 delegates from 22 countries across Asia and the Pacific engaging in ICAAP11, Asia Catalyst staff and partners will each have the opportunity to share best practices and present on their organization’s work, program results, and lessons learned for the future, in the form of abstract presentations, poster presentations, roundtables, and other side events.

Asia Catalyst is supporting members from the four selected Chinese partner organizations with English translation, scholarship assistance, and the coordination of meetings, roundtables and presentations.

Delegates receiving our support were selected by an open application process from organizations we have worked with in the past.  Three members of the delegation are graduate organizations of the Asia Catalyst NGO Leadership Cohort, a year-long organizational management training program for grassroots health rights advocates in China, and several have been working with Asia Catalyst’s Advocacy program.

Asia Catalyst will have a booth in the Asia Pacific Village, an area of the conference that is open to the public for free, and which is geared toward networking, information sharing and joint actions for community based organizations.  The booth will showcase advocacy projects
from partner organizations around the region, including several from the Rights Training Program’s regional network.  It will also showcase Asia Catalyst materials and training programs, and serve as a platform for expanding our network in the region.

Over the coming weeks, we will feature profiles of advocates and their projects on the blog.

Please support our efforts to bring advocates together by making a tax-deductible donation  to Asia Catalyst.