Support China’s First AIDS Life Cycle Rider

Guo Ziyang, director of Beijing NGO  Zuo You, writes to say that he is raising money for his participation in the AIDS Life Cycle, an annual seven day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles that raises money for HIV/AIDS programs. Founded in 2011, Zuo You works with male sex workers in Beijing on prevention of HIV and intimate partner violence.  In spring 2012, Asia Catalyst helped Zuo You develop a strategic plan, volunteer management system and community engagement plan. Previously, Ziyang participated in a series of workshops Asia Catalyst offered through the China Sex Worker Organization Network.  

This is the first time someone from China will participate in the ride and, to mark the occasion, 100% of funds donated to Ziyang will be used in China, where he plans to create an emergency fund for young gay men living with HIV. You can help Ziyang reach his $5,000 fundraising goal by donating here.

2012 Year in Review: A Message from the Executive Director’s Desk

We’re writing to tell you about the exciting work Asia Catalyst is doing with grassroots health groups in Asia, and to ask you to continue your support.

In 2012, Asia Catalyst marked five years of training small grassroots groups led by people directly affected by HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and disabilities. Most of our partners are in China, where authorities restrict community activism, but through their persistence and commitment, here is what we accomplished together this year:
  • Trained the NGO Leadership Cohort, a group of ten health rights groups who get intensive training in nonprofit management and advocacy over the course of one year. This year’s cohort participants included a courageous former teacher living with HIV/AIDS who runs the only group for people with HIV in her hometown, an organization of sex workers doing ground-breaking outreach and organizing in their community, as well as other community leaders from around the country. Three of our cohort participants will become assistant trainers for the 2013 cohort, and will “pay it forward” by training other groups. As the program scales up, it creates a new generation of professional nonprofit leaders.
  • Published three new reports on health and human rights China. Our joint report with Korekata AIDS Law Center on China’s HIV blood disaster was the first major human rights report researched and co-written by a domestic Chinese organization. It was endorsed by UNAIDS and the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, and our recommendations were taken up by a government advisory working group.
  • Trained dozens of East and Southeast Asian activists in human rights documentation and advocacy. We trained forty activists from Africa, Asia and the US at a workshop in Washington DC, and gave intensive training to a new coalition of 12 leading Chinese and Thai gender and sexuality activists at a workshop in Thailand.
We have already published two volumes of our Know It, Prove It, Change It human rights curriculum in Chinese, English and Thai on our website. In 2014, the third and final volume will be published and available online in English, Thai, Chinese, and Burmese! We’ll then use it to jump-start an exciting new regional human rights training program.
  • Showcased Chinese activists at the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC. We provided scholarships, training and round-the clock translation as well as hosting workshops, roundtables, and events to ensure that Chinese civil society had a voice at this important meeting.
In 2013 we will transition to new leadership, when our founder, Sara Davis, moves on to a senior position at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, and Acting Executive Director Andrea Worden takes the helm.
Please make a tax-deductible contribution today at, or mail a check to Asia Catalyst, 39 West 32nd St, Suite 1602, New York, NY 10001.
Thank you for your support!
Sara L.M. Davis, Ph.D.                                    Andrea Worden
Founder                                               Acting Executive Director


[COMMENTARY] In China, HIV & HCV Transmission through Blood Continues

This blog is a cross posting from Seeing Red in China.  It was written by Dr. Wang Shuping on the occasion of World Aids Day.  It has been translated from the original Chinese by Cao Yaxue.  Asia Catalyst’s China Program Officer, Mike Frick recently wrote about Dr. Wang’s experience on our blog; read that piece here.

I am Wang Shuping, and, as a doctor and epidemics researcher, I was the one who first discovered Hepatitis C virus and HIV contamination in plasma collection stations mushroomed in China in the 1990s. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people became infected as a result. Twenty years have passed since those frightful discoveries, the current state of blood safety in China, to my dismay, still presents an alarming picture of continuing transmission of HIV and HCV through blood. On World AIDS Day today, I would like to call attention to the matter to raise the public’s awareness and warn the policy makers.


[JOB ANNOUNCEMENT] Executive Director, Asia Catalyst

As we announced last month, Asia Catalyst founder Sara L.M. Davis will join the Board of Directors, and will resign her post as executive director in January 2013. The Board of Directors has appointed Andrea Worden as Acting Executive Director through June 30, 2013. The Board is now beginning its search for a permanent executive director. Please help us to circulate this job announcement.

The text of the position description follows in this blog post, or download the PDF here.
