[NEWS] PFLAG China: Fighting Adoption Discrimination against Gay and Lesbian Families

pflagchina.pngBy Mike Frick

Recently, Chinese activists have drawn attention to discriminatory statements by the China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA). The CCAA has publicly stated that it does not permit Chinese gays and lesbians to adopt children. In a message posted on its website, the agency says that medicine considers homosexuality a type of medical illness and a”sexual disorder”, that Chinese law does not recognize homosexual families, and that homosexuality is a “behavior contrary to public morality.”   The Chinese Society of Psychiatry declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 2001.


[UPDATE] Cross Post From China Law and Policy: LGBT Rights in China


The following piece is cross-posted from China Law & Policy about the November 7, 2012 event “China’s Comrades: New Developments in LGBT Rights” that Asia Catalyst co-sponsored with The Leitner Center for International Law and Justice at Fordham Law School.  China Law & Policy believes that an understanding of the development of the Chinese legal system is integral to an informed U.S. policy toward China.
By Elizabeth M. Lynch

Last week, the day after the United States elected its first openly gay Senator and more states extended the right to marry to gay couples, Asia Catalyst and Fordham Law School’s Leitner Center co-hosted a fascinating talk about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights in China entitled “China’s Comrades.”


Asia Catalyst Announces Leadership Transition

Capacity-builder of Non-Governmental Organizations in Asia Expands and Announces Interim Director

(New York, November 15, 2012)–The non-profit incubator Asia Catalyst announced today that Sara L.M. Davis will leave her post as executive director to join the Global Fund in January 2013. Dr. Davis, who is also known as Meg, is the organization’s founder.  The Board of Directors has appointed Andrea Worden, a lawyer and human rights advocate, as Acting Executive Director.




(纽约2012年11月15日)非营利性组织亚洲促进会今天宣布,王翠凤 (Sara L.M. Davis)将辞去她在该组织的执行董事职务并将于2013年1月加入全球基金会。王博士(Dr. Davis),亦称为梅格(Meg),是该组织的创始人。该组织的董事会已任命律师和人权倡导者安德烈沃登(Andrea Worden)为该组织的代理执行主任。
