[JOB ANNOUNCEMENT] Head of Asia Desk (South East Asia Region), FIDH

The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) is
seeking applicants for the full-time position of Head of Asia Desk, covering
the South East Asia Region. 

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Closing date for applications is November 19, 2012

Read the position description here.

[NEWS] A Chinese Advocacy Success: Fighting Employment Discrimination Against People with HBV

By Cheng Zhuo
Translated by Hou Ye

In July 2012, the Avic Chengdu Engine Group Company in Chengdu, Sichuan hired 300 new employees, and required them to go through a mandatory health examination as part of the company’s orientation. After eight college graduates tested positive for hepatitis B virus (HBV), the company refused to hire them.  When these eight individuals appealed to the Labor and Social Security Bureau, they were told, “You’d better go home to recuperate from your illness, and don’t make trouble.” Chengdu E Road Working Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to defending of the rights of people with hepatitis B, took the case on, and drew on the power of domestic allies and media to persuade the company to change its policies and accept its social responsibility.



作者:成卓, 成都E路相伴工作组

2012年7月,在300多人入职中航工业成都发动机集团有限公司时被要求检查乙肝项目。其中8名被查出为乙肝病毒携带者的应届毕业大学生遭拒绝录用。地的劳动保障部门对大学生的求助回复竟然是:”查出来了病就回家好好养病,还闹什么闹。” 成都e路相伴工作组利用这一案例,在国内盟友的协助下,成功利用媒体报道,倡导该企业修订其就业对乙肝携带着的录取标准,切实履行其社会责任。


[UPDATE] July 2012 – September 2012

We had a busy summer quarter – here’s a quick report-back on our coaching, training, and advocacy, as well as some exciting growth at the home front.

Celebrating our Fifth AnniversaryBoard Matching Still Available

year, Asia Catalyst celebrates five years of helping to build grassroots groups
in East and Southeast Asia. As part of our “New Generation of Leaders” 5th
Anniversary Campaign
, our board of directors has generously promised to match your donations dollar for dollar.  That means a donation of $100 doubles to $200, and $500 will double to $1000! Please make a tax-deductible gift here.

Your gift of $100 or more gets you a lovely gift book — with photos and background on our inspiring partners in China and Southeast Asia.


Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Wang Tielin facilitates.jpg

The NGO Leadership Cohort– Participants in our year-long capacity building program for Chinese health rights groups met in September in Chiang Mai, Thailand for a weekend workshop on advocacy. Over three days, cohort members learned how to plan and conduct advocacy campaigns while applying these new concepts and skills to revise the advocacy plans they drafted individually or in teams over the summer.  Andrew Hunter, director of the Asia-Pacific Network of Sex Workers, joined the workshop as an guest trainer.



[ANNOUNCEMENT] UNAIDS Call for Consultations on Post-2015 Agenda


Reposted from UNAIDS.                   

UNAIDS Rights, Gender and Community Mobilization Department strongly encourages the AIDS community to engage actively in these discussions to ensure that health and HIV remain high on the post 2015 agenda and that the experiences of community activism from people living with HIV, the rights and gender activists and broader AIDS community can inform and shape this important future agenda.
