[REPORT] Asia Catalyst in Yunnan

Part 2 of Asia Catalyst’s trip to China brings Meg and Gisa to Yunnan
Province, where they are working with their new partner Phoenix
(苦草工作室), a group of over 90 women living with HIV/AIDS. The group,
which includes current and former sex workers and drug users, provides
direct services to women in need. These range from hospice care to
prison visits and funerals for those cut off from their families.

[RESOURCE] Strategic Planning: The Asia Catalyst Approach

by Gisa Hartmann

An integral part of Asia Catalyst’s approach to assisting organizations to become stronger and more effective is teaching groups how to create a simple strategic plan. Having just returned from an intensive working trip to China, and having also participated in AC’s strategic planning meetings with Phoenix in China, with IKON in Bali, and with Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group (TTAG) in New York, I have noticed some issues that appear to be integral to the process, even for diverse groups in different parts of Asia.


[REPORT] How Chinese Activists Access Information Resources

By Chang Kun

Chinese activists have been using different types of social medias to
post their works and raise international awareness to assist special cases. Following
are examples of some public ways in which Chinese activists have automatic access
to information resources. In the past few years, because of the Internet and increasing
work in this sphere by some HIV/AIDS organizations, such as Beijing AIZHIXING
Institute, a lot of grass-root organizations have grown in skills on how to use
Internet tools for their work and community, especially for posting human
rights cases to increase attention.
