[COMMENTARY] Why Overdose Matters 过量预防对HIV何以重要

For most drug users and people who work with them, overdose is an urgent issue. Many AIDS, harm reduction, and other drug service organizations have created programs to educate people who use drugs about overdose prevention and response techniques; to distribute naloxone – a safe and highly effective opioid overdose antidote. This document presents arguments that organizations can make to AIDS funders to show that overdose prevention and response matter for HIV programming. Download the document here.


[RESOURCE] “POZ in the City”, A Speaker Training Manual for People Living with HIV 关于:「关怀爱滋」爱滋病病毒感染者演说培训手册

By Chan Fei

AIDS Concern is proud to launch its newly published Chinese-language manual POZ in the City, coauthored by AIDS
Concern and a group of people living with HIV (PLHIV) experienced in public
speaking. We invite you to step forward and work together to combat stigma and
prejudice attached to PLHIV. 香港「关怀爱滋」伙拍一群公众演说经验丰富的感染者共同撰写了「正能量计划」手册,希望籍此和各位同工及感染者分享如何进行感染者公众演说,共同为消除对爱滋病和爱滋病病毒感染者的标签及偏见努力。

Handbook in Simplified Chinese



[REPORT] Community-Driven Rights Research: Sex Workers in China



By Mike Frick

From June through early August, I
helped Asia Catalyst’s partner organization, Phoenix, to train five volunteers
in research and rights documentation skills. Phoenix is an NGO that serves
women living with HIV/AIDS – many of them sex workers and drug users — in
Gejiu, Yunnan Province, China. The five participating volunteers on our
research team are all former drug users, and several of them also work as sex
workers. Our goal was to build their capacity to conduct the kind of research
that can inform advocacy and make a difference in the lives of the community
Phoenix serves.


[NEWS] Ashoka Job Opening in China

Ashoka (www.ashoka.org) is the world’s largest
association of social entrepreneurs — men and women who are creating new
institutions and system-changing solutions for the world’s most urgent social
problems. Since 1980, Ashoka has pioneered the field of social entrepreneurship,
electing and connecting more than 2,000 individuals with system-changing ideas
in over 70 countries. And now, Ashoka is headed to China.
