[NEWS] Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels AIDS 毒品利用有罪化加剧艾滋病传播

New evidence that criminalization of drug use fuels HIV/AIDS


A special issue of the medical journal The Lancet,
produced for the International AIDS Conference, published a ground-breaking
series of articles and commentaries on the global HIV epidemic among people who
use drugs. Drawing on their comprehensive examination of hundreds of studies, the
journal’s editors called for an evidence- and rights-based response to HIV
among people who use drugs: “Criminalization
has reduced access to health care for people at risk of drug use…Put simply,
locking people up does not work.”
journal’s articles provide evidence showing that the most neglected strategy, a
human rights-based approach, is the the most effective tool in reversing the





[REPORT] Test and Treat? 聚焦:化验和治疗?

Consent and confidentiality: challenges in HIV testing


A growing chorus of countries, NGOs
and foundations at the conference called for routine testing as an effective
strategy for HIV prevention. However, a number of panels and sessions at the
conference disagreed with this approach, suggesting that rights abuses related
to drives to scale up HIV testing can actually undermine AIDS prevention.








[COMMENTARY] Protest: An Honorable Tradition at the AIDS Conference 抗议:艾滋病大会上的光荣传统


Sex worker protest at the conference to demand decriminalization (Photo by Zhao Gang)

At the Vienna conference, thousands took to the streets to call for human rights to be integrated into AIDS policies and programs. They gathered in the Heldenplatz, a historic square in front of the Austrian Parliament building, to cheer the heads of UNAIDS, the Global Fund, and international AIDS activists such as Mark Heywood, and to dance and sing with pop singer Annie Lennox.



[RESOURCE] Human Rights Mission Kit


Asia Catalyst (New York), Korekata AIDS Law Center (Beijing), and Thai AIDS Treatment Action
Group (Bangkok) are cooperating on writing the manual Know It, Prove It,
Change It: A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups.
The Human Rights
Mission Kit,
which you can download here, is a
collection of easy-to-follow steps, worksheets and templates groups can use at
home to start their own human rights research.
