[COMMENTARY] Drug Users and the Legal Framework: The Failure of the War on Drugs in Asia


Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group protesters – Photo by Rico Gustav

By Karyn Kaplan

Kaplan’s electrifying essay on the human rights of drug users in Asia is excerpted from her plenary speech given at the
International Conference on AIDS in Asia/Pacific (ICAAP), Busan, South Korea, August 27, 2011 and reprinted from the 
Health and Human Rights Forum.

Here in Asia, home to more than half the world’s opiate users,  more than 16 million drug users and at least 6.5 million injectors, where HIV prevalence among injectors is among the highest in the world, where the HIV epidemic is largely driven by unsafe injecting practices, where less than 10% of heroin injectors are on methadone, and where injectors can access an average of just two sterile syringes per month, we lack 90% of the resources necessary to provide the
essential harm reduction services necessary for realizing the right to health. But while resources are a significant challenge, I would argue that even when we have the resources, it does not ensure access.



[COMMENTARY] China’s First Lawsuit on Discrimination Against a Person Living with HIV/AIDS

By Yu Fangqiang

On July 27, 2010, a person living with HIV/AIDS in Anhui Province successfully filed China’s first case alleging employment discrimination on the basis of HIV status. Soon afterwards, a second case was filed in Sichuan Province. A year later, both cases were lost, and both plaintiffs filed appeals. Currently, the third plaintiff in an HIV-related employment discrimination case is preparing to file suit. In this article, lawyer Yu Fangqiang tells the personal story behind the historically important Anhui case.



[NEWS] AIDS Activists Arrested, Shoved at ICAAP

Korean and international AIDS activists who participated in a peaceful protest against the Free Trade Agreement and for access to AIDS treatment at the International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) were shoved and dragged by the police while trying to prevent the arrest of AIDS lawyer Jang Seo-yeon. Two activists, including a staff person of the ICAAP Local Organizing Committee, were hospitalized. Below is the joint statement from Korean activists and supporters about the incident.


[NEWS] AC, ANPUD, APN+ Call on ICAAP to Provide Methadone in Korea

Asia Catalyst and 25 other regional networks and organizations called this week for methadone and buprenorphine access at the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, to take place this month in Busan, Korea.

Lack of access to these key medications in effect creates a discriminatory barrier to participation in the congress by delegates who are people using drugs.

Please help us to circulate the letter and to raise these issues with conference conveners and the Korean government, both before and at ICAAP.


[URGENT APPEAL] Tian Xi Expected Out from Prison

According to friends of Chinese AIDS activist Tian Xi, he is expected to complete his prison sentence and be released on August 18, 2011. His family income is quite low, and they have no way to meet his medical costs. Friends and family have issued a call for donations to the following account.

Account name:  TIAN Xi

Bank: Bank of China
Runan Branch 中国银行汝南支行

Account number: 254608370972
