[RESOURCE] Keeping Your Records Straight

Gisa Hartmann

Like most small-sized NGOs the one thing we don’t have too much of is time, so we
try to keep our financial records in a manner that is easy to manage, but also
allows us to comply with all the various reporting requirements.


[URGENT APPEAL] Burmese Shan Earthquake victims

Over 18,000 victims were affected by the 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Myanmar/Burma on March
24th, according to the Shan Herald Agency for News. Relief has yet to reach
many of the victims in Shan State, which is an ethnic minority region of the
country often wracked by conflict. For a recent update on the disaster,
see https://bit.ly/fiCZS.

The independent news agency has issued a call for appeals.

Donations for Shan State quake victims can be made at the following account:

Account name                        SHAN
Account number                     402-387907-6

Siam Commercial Bank
Type of account                    Savings
Branch                                  Big C Hangdong branch
Chiangmai, Thailand

or sent by Money Order (M.O.) to the following address:
SHAN, P.O.Box 15, Nonghoi P.O, Chiangmai 50007, Thailand

For further information, please contact
Tel: 081 531 2837 and 080 125 7474.

[UPDATE] Back from the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on Universal Access

By Meg Davis

Asian NGOs and government representatives met in Bangkok from March 29-31 at the Asia-Pacific Regional
Consultation on Universal Access. They consulted together to make recommendations on how to ensure universal access to AIDS treatment – one of the Millennium Development Goals.  This time, human rights was included, and it was fascinating to see the process and participate in it.


[RESOURCE] Prove It: Documenting Rights Abuses (Chinese ed.)/了解、证实、改变 手册

The Know It, Prove It, Change It! A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups series is created to help grassroots organizations in communities affected by HIV/AIDS to understand their basic rights, document rights abuses, and design and implement advocacy campaigns. The Chinese edition is now available for download at: https://www.asiacatalyst.org/news/kipici.html. 


