[RESOURCE] How to Create a Vision Statement

By Meg Davis

What’s your vision? Most organizations have a mission statement; the groups we work with in China generally write broad, vague, uninspiring statements in order to meet requirements for registration. These don’t give a sense of their vision to create social change.

By “vision statement”, different groups mean different things. We mean a one-sentence picture of the change your organization will create in the world in 20 or 30 years. This statement goes in the box all the way on the right in the logic model we use in strategic planning. It’s the first piece to create in this approach to strategic planning, and an important way to unify and focus everyone in the organization on a shared goal. Once the vision statement is set, it’s easier to break it down into medium-term goals and immediate actions.


[RESOURCE] Learning to Love Budgeting



By Meg Davis

There’s no getting around it – for most of us, creating a budget is a joyless task. But while it requires dusting off math skills some of us hoped we’d left behind in school, budgeting can also help you to develop useful and practical plans. This week’s blog post describes how to create a very basic program budget.

We recommend creating a budget that is relatively detailed from the beginning. You may or may not decide to send this detailed budget to donors when you apply for grants (more on this at the end), but you should still create one for internal use in your organization.
