[RESOURCE] “POZ in the City”, A Speaker Training Manual for People Living with HIV 关于:「关怀爱滋」爱滋病病毒感染者演说培训手册

By Chan Fei

AIDS Concern is proud to launch its newly published Chinese-language manual POZ in the City, coauthored by AIDS
Concern and a group of people living with HIV (PLHIV) experienced in public
speaking. We invite you to step forward and work together to combat stigma and
prejudice attached to PLHIV. 香港「关怀爱滋」伙拍一群公众演说经验丰富的感染者共同撰写了「正能量计划」手册,希望籍此和各位同工及感染者分享如何进行感染者公众演说,共同为消除对爱滋病和爱滋病病毒感染者的标签及偏见努力。

Handbook in Simplified Chinese



[COMMENTARY] Protest: An Honorable Tradition at the AIDS Conference 抗议:艾滋病大会上的光荣传统


Sex worker protest at the conference to demand decriminalization (Photo by Zhao Gang)

At the Vienna conference, thousands took to the streets to call for human rights to be integrated into AIDS policies and programs. They gathered in the Heldenplatz, a historic square in front of the Austrian Parliament building, to cheer the heads of UNAIDS, the Global Fund, and international AIDS activists such as Mark Heywood, and to dance and sing with pop singer Annie Lennox.



[REPORT] China’s In the House: News from the International AIDS Conference

Protest 4.JPG

By Meg Davis


At 5 pm, the crowd began to assemble
on the square in front of the Messe Wien convention center. Some handed out
signs reading “Broken promises kill” or “we are watching” over photos of giant
eyeballs. Others wrestled in the wind with a black-and-white banner reading “No
retreat, fund AIDS.”
