[NEWS] Asia Catalyst Profiled on Voice of America


Voice of America, an international public broadcaster, profiled Asia Catalyst at the International AIDS Conference this week. Check out the great interviews with executive director Meg Davis and China program director Gisa Hartmann here (in Mandarin).

[UPDATE] April – June 2012

AIDS 2012 Comes To Our Backyard 

The largest AIDS conference in the world, brining together over 20,000 individuals, is coming to Washington DC this summer. Asia Catalyst is pleased to award travel scholarships to help four Chinese AIDS activists take part in AIDS 2012, the world’s largest AIDS conference. The four activists – three women and one man — include the mother of a child living with HIV/AIDS, a former sex worker, a rights advocate, and a youth leader. They will speak at the conference, join in roundtable discussions, and share policy recommendations with the UN and international agencies. Together, they represent the next generation of civil society leaders in China’s fight against HIV/AIDS.
In preparation for the International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. in July, the China team, together with three student volunteers from the International School of Beijing, has been supporting our three Chinese delegates to finalize their presentations, posters, and design brochures about their organizations.


[NEWS] Quilt 2012: The International AIDS Quilt Turns 25

With AIDS 2012 (International AIDS Conference) right around the corner, and the 25th anniversary of The AIDS Memorial Quilt, this year Washington, DC is becoming a hub for HIV/AIDS awareness.

The AIDS Memorial Quilt, originally conceived of in 1987, in San Francisco, has now become an international symbol of the human toll of the AIDS epidemic as it aims to “inspire action in the age of AIDS.”


[PROFILE] Yuan Wenli: Mobilizing Women Affected by HIV/AIDS in China


Yuan Wenli, originally from Henan province, an area ravaged by HIV/AIDS, started Henan Golden Sunshine in 2005, after her son was infected with HIV. The organization aims to help women and children living with HIV/AIDS and to incorporate women’s voices in advocacy in China. Subsequently Yuan helped establish the Henan Regional Network of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in 2010 and in 2012 became the secretary
of Women’s Network Against AIDS in China. Yuan will be coming to the International AIDS Conference, AIDS 2012, in Washington this July on a full scholarship, and will present her own talk Mainstreaming Gender into The National Global Fund Strategy in China: A Case Study from a Grassroots Women’s NGO Network on Thursday July 26th in English.

Yuan spoke to Asia Catalyst about her own work and what she is most looking forward to at AIDS 2012 this year.


[UPDATE] October-December 2011


In 2012, Asia
Catalyst is celebrating five years of partnering with grassroots groups in East
and Southeast Asia. In a challenging environment, this new generation of
leaders is developing innovative ways to meet the needs of marginalized
communities. Most of our partners are small start-up groups in Asia and as part
of our 5th Anniversary Campaign, we are asking for donations to help Chinese
health rights advocates to make their voices heard at the International AIDS
Conference in Washington D.C. this July. Please make a tax-deductible
contribution here.
