[RESOURCE] “POZ in the City”, A Speaker Training Manual for People Living with HIV 关于:「关怀爱滋」爱滋病病毒感染者演说培训手册

By Chan Fei

AIDS Concern is proud to launch its newly published Chinese-language manual POZ in the City, coauthored by AIDS
Concern and a group of people living with HIV (PLHIV) experienced in public
speaking. We invite you to step forward and work together to combat stigma and
prejudice attached to PLHIV. 香港「关怀爱滋」伙拍一群公众演说经验丰富的感染者共同撰写了「正能量计划」手册,希望籍此和各位同工及感染者分享如何进行感染者公众演说,共同为消除对爱滋病和爱滋病病毒感染者的标签及偏见努力。

Handbook in Simplified Chinese

