[RESOURCE] Three Ways To Improve Your Nonprofit Web Presence

By Lizzy Berryman

Running a nonprofit can be hard. There are challenges of budget and of message. It can be difficult to allocate resources effectively, organize volunteers, and to reach key audiences.

Simply staying on timelines and goals can be a huge effort. Many believe that adding changing digital technologies to the mix can just become overwhelming hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. These days, building and maintaining a digital presence through a website and social media platforms is not only necessary, they are also critical tools that can be used to engage audiences and communicate your work in new and interesting ways.


[RESOURCE] Managing Conflicts

By Mike Frick

In previous posts, we’ve described our approach to creating a strategic plan, writing a budget and managing volunteers – the three core skill areas covered by our nonprofit coaching programs in China. We believe that facilitating meetings is another essential skill for nonprofit groups, and that effective meeting facilitation requires solving conflicts in a fair, transparent and non-threatening manner.

Many of our partners in China describe their frustration attending meetings that too frequently devolve into off topic conversations, meandering discussions or sometimes even personal attacks. Given all of the time we spend in meetings, we’ve developed an approach that facilitators can use to keep meetings on track and defuse conflicts. We’ve divided these techniques into low, medium and high level “interventions” that start small and progressively build to more direct action depending on the seriousness of the situation. Starting with smaller, less-threatening interventions helps to build a sense of trust and safety for all involved; higher level interventions should only be used when other approaches have proved ineffective at solving the problem.


[RESOURCE] Learning to Love Budgeting



By Meg Davis

There’s no getting around it – for most of us, creating a budget is a joyless task. But while it requires dusting off math skills some of us hoped we’d left behind in school, budgeting can also help you to develop useful and practical plans. This week’s blog post describes how to create a very basic program budget.

We recommend creating a budget that is relatively detailed from the beginning. You may or may not decide to send this detailed budget to donors when you apply for grants (more on this at the end), but you should still create one for internal use in your organization.
