Call for applications of China Head of Mission Fund – New Zealand Aid Programme

China Head of Mission Fund Deadline

The Head of Mission Fund (HOMF) for China is a small discretionary grant scheme managed by the New Zealand Embassy in Beijing.  The HOMF is a component of the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international aid and development programme managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Applications for the next round of China Head of Mission Fund should be send to the New Zealand Embassy, Beijing before Friday 5 July 2013.

Guidelines and Application Form are attached.






Please note that applications may be completed in either Chinese or English. For more information please visit our website here for English or here for Chinese language.

请注意:申请表可以用中文或英文填写。如需了解更多信息,请访问我们的英文网址 或中文网址

国际不再恐同日,跨性别纪录片《兄弟》首映 – Beijing IDAHO Event Increases Transgender Visibility in China with the Premiere of the Documentary “Brothers”

Beijing IDAHO Event Increases Transgender Visibility in China with the Premiere of the  Documentary “Brothers”

On 17 May 2013, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), several Beijing LGBT organizations including Queer Comrades, the Aibai Culture & Education Center, the Beijing Gender Health Education Institute and Common Language worked together with the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing to hold the event “lgbT – Increasing Transgender Visbility in China”. More than 80 people, including media representatives, educational professionals, mental health workers and civil society volunteers, got together to watch the premiere of the transgender documentary “Brothers” and talked about the most pressing transgender issues in China.

Full text of the English and Chinese press release for “Brothers” is below. (more…)

The Path of a Rights Activist – China Alliance of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CAP+)

TITLE: The Path of a Rights Activist

BY: China Alliance of People Living with HIV/AIDS

In their recent newsletter, the China Alliance of People living with HIV/AIDS (CAP+) announced publication of a unique testimony report about the work of one of their members, Ms. Ma Guihong, who heads the organization Half the Sky in China’s Hebei Province. With the permission of Ms. Ma and CAP+, we are re-posting the below summary with links to the original Chinese and English full text.
