[REPORT] Washington, D.C.: What We’ll Remember from AIDS 2012

meg and lanlan.jpg

Meg Davis and Lanlan at AIDS 2012 in the Global Village.

This year Asia Catalyst sent four Chinese activists and ten staff members and volunteers to the AIDS 2012 conference in D.C. Here are a few short reflections of and pictures from our time.

  • Our session on civil society in China was a really great, thoughtful, lively and overall optimistic discussion between three rising young advocates, Zheng Huang (China Sex Worker Organization Network), Yuan Wenli (China Network of Women Against HIV/AIDS), and Shen Tingting (Korekata AIDS Law Center). I only wish it had been on a platform where the speakers could have reached a larger audience.


[EVENT] Know It, Prove It, Change It, Workshop in DC


DATE: Sunday, July 22, 2012 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, optional dinner following

LOCATION: Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC (across from the
Walter E. Washington Convention Center)

ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Through a hands-on approach, participants will gain a basic understanding of the international human rights framework and how it applies to HIV; core skills in human rights research and documentation, and the basics of human rights advocacy planning. Our training curriculum handbooks will be provided. Our curriculum focuses on rights issues faced by highly marginalized populations in the context of HIV/AIDS. Download the curriculum, Know It, Prove It, Change It here.


[APPEAL] You Can Help Chinese AIDS Activists Get to Washington D.C.

“My boss gave me my money and told me to sign my name. After I signed the receipt, he immediately threw the pen into the trashcan. And that was how I was fired.” We heard this from a Chinese man living with HIV/AIDS, a former drug user, who was fired from his job when his boss found out his status. Around China, people like these are mobilizing to get their voices heard. Some hope to come to Washington D.C. this July for the International AIDS Conference. We need
your support to get them there

The International AIDS Conference will bring 40,000 people to Washington, including government leaders, UN officials, donors, and pharmaceutical companies. Thousands will march in D.C. to demand access to treatment and demand political action to change policy. Our Chinese colleagues will make new contacts, meet donors, and lobby officials as well as learn from others and find support in the international community.


[UPDATE] Vienna Report Back: Key Topics 来自维也纳的报告:关键话题


By Ken Oh and Meg Davis

作者:Ken Oh、王翠凤



There were dozens of sessions and over
20,000 people at the 2010 International AIDS Conference, whose theme was
“Rights Here, Rights Now”. We can’t bring it all to you, but here’s a roundup
of the highlights:

2010年的国际艾滋病大会,共有20,000人参加,召开了多场会议。本次会议的主题是 “我们的权利,就在此时此地”。在此,我们不能将会议的全部呈现给各位,但将为各位呈上本次会议亮点的综述。


  • Science Update:
    Breakthroughs in microbicides, growing momentum for Pre-Exposure
    Prophylaxis, and the UNITAID patent pool
  • 科学:杀微生物剂研制的突破;治疗性预防(Pre-Exposure Propylaxi)的持续进展以及联合救助中心专利池(UNITAID patent pool)的建立