[NEWS] 联合国各机构关于关闭强制戒毒和康复中心的联合声明

In March, a joint statement cosigned by 12 UN bodies, including UNAIDS, called for all “States to close compulsory drug detention and rehabilitation centers and implement voluntary, evidence-informed and rights-based health and social services in the community.” The statement noted that many of the compulsory centers violate internationally recognized human rights standards often involving physical and sexual violence or forced labor.

[NEWS] First Steps: UN Releases Statement on Drug Centers

A joint statement cosigned by 12 UN bodies, including UNAIDS, last Friday, called for all “States to close compulsory drug detention and rehabilitation centers and implement voluntary, evidence-informed and rights-based health and social services in the community.” The statement noted that many of the compulsory centers violate internationally recognized human rights standards often involving physical and sexual violence or forced labor. 

Read the full report here.