[REPORT] Intervention with Elderly Chinese Clients of Sex Workers 中国老年嫖客干预

by Li Man



China’s population is aging, and the pressures of dealing
with an aging population are becoming apparent. Today, according to a new
report from the Work Committee on the Elderly, 134 million Chinese were over
the age of 60, representing around 11% of the population. The report finds that
of those between the ages of 66 and 71, 90% of men continued to have an
interest in sex, versus 50% of women. In the range of 86-90 year olds, 51% of
men had an interest in sex.



[REPORT] Indonesian Odyssey: A Drug User’s Quest for Treatment

By Ricky Gunawan


The story of Rose – the first drug user sentenced by Indonesian courts to rehabilitation instead
of prison – continued this month, with some dramatic twists and turns that
highlight obstacles to implementing Indonesia’s newly improved policy.


Rose was transferred from Pondok Bambu Detention Center to Cibubur Drug Dependence
Hospital (RSKO Cibubur),
on Monday, February 8, 2010. As
I wrote in December
, it took months after her July sentence for the
corrupt detention system to actually move her to the hospital. During that
time, Rose suffered from withdrawal symptoms without any medication. But even
once the transfer was finally completed, it seemed the drama had only begun.


[REPORT] Law Enforcement and Harm Reduction in Cambodia

By Greg Denham

I have worked in the law enforcement field for over twenty five years, and a
significant part of my work has been in the drug policy area. I have come to
the conclusion that harm reduction services, particularly needle and syringe
programs, are an essential component of a comprehensive strategy designed to
reduce drug related harm in communities.

This view, however, is not always shared openly by other police. Privately, while many
police officers accept that harm reduction services are important, their attitude
is more likely to condemn than condone.


[COMMENTARY] End Overcrowding in Indonesian Prisons

By Ricky Gunawan


Up through 2009, Indonesia suffered a tremendous blow from the so-called
“judicial mafia”, the corrupt network that controls the criminal justice
system. Every sector of Indonesia’s legal system has been paralyzed by this
judicial mafia. It is made up of middlemen who, for a fee, can broker deals
between police, prosecutors and judges. In a late response to this dismal
situation, in late 2009 President
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono established a task force
to “eradicate the
judicial mafia in the first 100 days” of his administration.


Last week, the task force conducted a surprise visit to Pondok Bambu
Detention Facility, Jakarta. This visit revealed shocking – yet, to those in
the know, all too predictable — findings. Arthalyta Suryani, a high-class
criminal convicted of bribery, is imprisoned
in luxurious conditions
. Her “cell” is an 8×8 meter room with a refrigerator,
flat TV with home theatre, air conditioner, and other facilities such as dining
tables, maids and a Blackberry.


[REPORT] Does Cambodia Want Harm Reduction Groups to Cause Harm?

The Cambodian government is attempting to coerce local NGOs to test an unproven medication on drug users, according to materials obtained by Asia Catalyst. Authorities have threatened to shut down NGOs that refuse to administer the drug, and arrest drug users who refuse to take the test.
