[UPDATE] January – March 2012

Celebrating our fifth anniversary

This year, Asia Catalyst celebrates five years of helping to build grassroots groups in East and Southeast Asia. As part of our 5th Anniversary Campaign, our board has promised to match donations to help Chinese rights advocates come to the International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. in July. That means $100 donation is worth $200, and $500 is worth $1000. Please make a tax-deductible gift here.

A gift of $100 or more gets you a lovely gift book — with photos and background on our inspiring partners in China and Southeast Asia.


[UPDATE] Board Announces $8,000 Match

On March 21, we announced that Asia Catalyst’s board of directors has generously agreed to match all donations for our
“New Generation of Leaders” campaign in 2012 up to a total of $8,000 dollars. This means that donations of $100 are worth $200, and a $500 gift is worth $1,000. Anyone who makes donations of $100 or more receives a gift book featuring photos and narratives about our Chinese partner organizations, as well as a foreword by civil society expert Shawn Shieh (China Development Brief). Funds raised go to our campaign to bring Chinese activists to the International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. and to make our work more sustainable. To give, please go here.


[EVENT] Launching Our “New Generation of Leaders” 5th Anniversary Campaign

On the evening of March 21, Asia Catalyst celebrated the official launch of its 5th Anniversary “New Generation of Leaders” Campaign with a cocktail and dim sum reception, hosted by board member Minky Worden. Asia Catalyst honored the immense contributions of Professor Jerome Cohen, board member emeritus and a leading scholar on Chinese law. His former students and colleagues contributed to a photo book, which Margaret Lewis, a former student and current associate professor of law at Seton Hall University, presented to him at the event. The evening also featured a discussion between Mike Frick, China program officer, and Shen Tingting, deputy director of Dongjen Human Rights Education and Action Center. Tingting shared her experiences in HIV/AIDS activism–both the numerous accomplishments as well as the challenges her organization faced since it was founded in 2003. Board members Yvonne Chan and Christina Lem, as well as Meg Davis, Asia Catalyst’s founder and executive director, spoke about how far the organization has come in the last five years. Thanks to everyone for coming out!
