[NEWS] Be an Expert

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria seems to be casting a wide net in its search for new expert reviewers of funding proposals. This might be an opportunity for AIDS activists to get a bit more input into the way funds get disbursed… Anyway, check out the call for applicants, below.


[RESOURCE] Is Your Project a Waste of Time?

by Meg Davis

After advising other organizations on how to create their own strategic plans, Asia Catalyst sat down in a conference room on Sunday with ten or so of our best friends and engaged in the annual exercise to plan our own work. Every year, we seem to find this a little more difficult, as our projects multiply and become more complex.

Fortunately, we had on hand our new board advisor, John Santoleri, who stopped us and said, “I don’t have a sense of the cost and benefit of each program — how much time each one takes, versus how hard or easy it is to raise funds for that program, versus the impact each program has.” With his help, we created a form to track just that.


[COMMENTARY] Shaping the Future of Grassroots NGOs

By Christina Lem

At times of change, start-up organizations should ask
themselves what they want to become. If you want to remain independent, what is
your future plan?  Do you eventually want to be absorbed into a larger organization?
Will you shut down once the need you’re serving is met?  NGOs should know how to shape their own
future before others make the decision for them. 



[RESOURCE] 10 Steps to Creating a Strategic Plan


by Meg Davis

The strategic plan is the most important document of your organization. It defines who you are and why you do what you do. It ties all your work into your vision for the future. This is how we and the groups we train create a strategic plan. You might want to print out the model we use to look at while you read this (in English here, in Chinese here).*
