[REPORT] Dream of Ding Village

The following is a cross post from the great people at The China Beat. The site provides context and criticism on contemporary China from China scholars and journalists. 

By Mike Frick
“Since you have gone, the house is empty, it has been three seasons now
Extinguish the lamps, let the twilight come, we must endure the setting sun” 
–Chinese funeral couplet

In 2000-2001, Elisabeth Rosenthal published a series of reports in the New York Times that alerted the world to a startling AIDS epidemic among farmers in central China. Beginning in the early 1990s, thousands of farmers in the Yellow River provinces of Henan, Hebei, Hubei, and Shanxi had contracted HIV through commercial blood selling. Local government officials in Henan promoted blood and plasma selling as a rural development scheme that would lift farmers out of poverty.


[REPORT] Crossing the Borders: The Haven Project

By Carol Wang

One of the programs we get the most satisfaction from is our summer Haven Project, which places Chinese AIDS advocates in more established AIDS NGOs for a few weeks to a few months. This program builds connections between AIDS activists across borders, while helping Chinese partners – who represent the first generation of civil society leaders in China – to build their skills. This weekend, the first of five Chinese colleagues will make their way to Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
