[REPORT] China’s Blood Disaster: The Way Forward (2012)

month, Chinese legislators are reviewing a ground-breaking proposal
that would provide compensation to tens of thousands of victims of
the HIV/AIDS tainted blood disaster. A new report, released today by
Asia Catalyst, shows this compensation fund is urgently needed, since
victims have been unable to get fair compensation on their own.



[REPORT] 中国:为血液污染受害者提供补偿



[COMMENTARY] China Issues New Five-Year HIV/AIDS Action Plan

By Hou Ye

This week, China’s State Council published its 12th Five Year Action Plan of China HIV/AIDS Control, Prevention and Treatment. The new plan lays out an assessment of HIV/AIDS in China and government strategy to combat the epidemic.

The plan states that sex has become the main vector of HIV transmission and that the epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) has increased significantly. Spousal transmission has also increased. In the areas lacking
prevention of mother-to-child transmission efforts (PMTCT) are not conducted, the rates of mother-to-child transmission are high.


[NEWS] 100+ Vietnamese PLHIV Groups Oppose TPFTA

Reposted from Peter Maybarduk at Public Citizen:

Today, as the 11th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations kicked off in Melbourne, Australia, the Vietnam Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (VNP+) released the “VNP+ Declaration on the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement and Access to Medicines in Vietnam.”
