[COMMENTARY] 中国性工作者的健康与法律权利

By Meg Davis
Originally published in the Health and Human Rights Journal “Health and Human Rights” magazine’s blog 

In China each year, and important government meetings before holidays, the Chinese government will regularly “social undesirables” such as sex workers, drug addicts and other groups were crackdown. Sex workers, and women activist Ye Haiyan (also known as rogue Yan) is continually proposed crackdown influence caused by low-income sex workers, and emphasized the plight they face.


[COMMENTARY] Rapid HIV Tests in China: The Voice From Community-based Organizations| 社区快检在中国,听听来自社区组织的声音

By Hou Ye

The debate around real-name HIV testing–sparked by proposals in Guangxi and Hunan provinces early this year–has pushed the issue of confidentiality once again to center stage. To decrease loss to follow-up among people who test positive for HIV (i.e. people not returning for their results), testing agencies should rigorously protect patients’ confidentiality. Without an expectation of confidentiality, people may be reluctant to return for test results and be HIV-identified. This issue is no longer just relevant to hospitals, as a growing number of community-based organizations have begun providing HIV screening to their members and clients. Many of these organizations work with key affected populations (KAPs), such as gay and male sex workers, provide HIV screening to their communities. It is important for these agencies to share their experiences.



[COMMENTARY] Police Crackdowns in China: The Health and Human Rights of Sex Workers

The following is a cross post from the Health and Human Rights Journal. The journal and blog provide a forum for action-oriented dialogue among human rights practitioners.

By Meg Davis

Chinese authorities hold periodic sweeps to detain sex workers, drug users, and other ‘social undesirables’ en masse in advance of national holidays and major government conferences. Sex workers, including feminist activist Ye Haiyan (also known as Hooligan Sparrow) are increasingly vocal in raising concerns about the effects of these raids, highlighting the hardships faced by the lowest-paid sex workers.

In the often-heated international debate about criminal penalties on sex work, we rarely hear the voices of sex workers themselves.  But in China, a new network representing Chinese sex workers says that police crackdowns don’t stop sex work – they only drive sex workers further underground, putting them at higher risk of violence and HIV/AIDS.


[COMMENTARY] World Bank Report On Fiscal Constraints – A Return To The 90s

By Brook Baker

The World Bank has just recently issued a “new” report: The fiscal dimension of HIV/AIDS in Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland, and Uganda. The Report doesn’t really feel “new” because it represents a recurrent theme in the World Bank approach from the earliest days of the global AIDS pandemic – it’s not fiscally sustainable to treat people living with HIV in high impact, low-resource countries – instead the world must focus on “prevention.”  The World Bank is seriously out-of-date, or conversely, perversely pig-headed, for four main reasons:


[NEWS] Activists Arrested Protesting Ban on U.S. Funding Syringe Exchange Programs

By Brian Bonci

Yesterday marked the National Day of Action on Syringe Exchange in the United States.  Activists from around the country have mobilized to protest a recent reinstatement of the ban on federal funding for clean needle programs.  Several harm reduction advocates were arrested, including Charles King, CEO of Housing Works. Current estimates are that 32 were arrested in Washington, DC alone.  The Actions were organized by the We Can End AIDS Coalition, which is coordinating a mobilization around the International AIDS Conference on July 24th.

