[NEWS] Global Fund Chief Calls for Closure of Compulsory Detoxification Centers 全球基金会会长呼吁关闭强制戒毒所

Echoing a speech he made in Toronto in
June, Michel Kazatchkine, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, again called
for the closure of compulsory detention centers
, where drug users are
detained for months or years without trial or due process, under the guise of
drug treatment.





[REPORT] Test and Treat? 聚焦:化验和治疗?

Consent and confidentiality: challenges in HIV testing


A growing chorus of countries, NGOs
and foundations at the conference called for routine testing as an effective
strategy for HIV prevention. However, a number of panels and sessions at the
conference disagreed with this approach, suggesting that rights abuses related
to drives to scale up HIV testing can actually undermine AIDS prevention.








[RESOURCE] Human Rights Mission Kit


Asia Catalyst (New York), Korekata AIDS Law Center (Beijing), and Thai AIDS Treatment Action
Group (Bangkok) are cooperating on writing the manual Know It, Prove It,
Change It: A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups.
The Human Rights
Mission Kit,
which you can download here, is a
collection of easy-to-follow steps, worksheets and templates groups can use at
home to start their own human rights research.


[NEWS] China’s First Forum on AIDS and Human Rights

On July 5th, China convened the first meeting of the Red Ribbon Forum,
a gathering of government officials, NGOs and experts to discuss AIDS and human
rights concerns. Mark Heywood, the chair of the UNAIDS Theme Group on HIV/AIDS
and Human Rights, delivered a speech calling for more space for civil society. During
an intense – and in China, unprecedented – discussion period, civil society
representatives raised frank concerns about a range of human rights issues,
including ongoing restrictions on civil society, and demands for compensation
for the blood scandal that transmitted HIV to thousands of villagers. The full
text of Heywood’s speech follows. 
