[COMMENTARY] Rapid HIV Tests in China: The Voice From Community-based Organizations| 社区快检在中国,听听来自社区组织的声音

By Hou Ye

The debate around real-name HIV testing–sparked by proposals in Guangxi and Hunan provinces early this year–has pushed the issue of confidentiality once again to center stage. To decrease loss to follow-up among people who test positive for HIV (i.e. people not returning for their results), testing agencies should rigorously protect patients’ confidentiality. Without an expectation of confidentiality, people may be reluctant to return for test results and be HIV-identified. This issue is no longer just relevant to hospitals, as a growing number of community-based organizations have begun providing HIV screening to their members and clients. Many of these organizations work with key affected populations (KAPs), such as gay and male sex workers, provide HIV screening to their communities. It is important for these agencies to share their experiences.

