[PROFILE] Lanlan: Leading the Fight for Acceptance of Sex Workers in China


Lanlan, a founding member and now executive director of Tianjin Xin’ai (天津信爱)was born in 1978, a time of great economic change for China. After dropping out of school at thirteen, Lanlan tried her hand at farming and eventually found work in a restaurant, chopping vegetables and washing dishes. In 2000, after the birth of her daughter, Lanlan turned to sex work to support her child and aging parents. She was motivated to start a sex worker support group when she began to feel, as she says, that “AIDS NGO staff could not relate to sex workers or their particular needs.” Today, Tianjin Xin’ai conducts outreach to sex workers, providing them with occupational safety training, health training, and legal training. The mission, says Lanlan, is self-confidence, self-respect, and mutual support.

Because of restrictive U.S. visa policies, Lanlan may be one of the few sex workers in
attendance at the AIDS 2012 conference this year. Lanlan spoke to Asia Catalyst about her own work and why she looking forward to Washington, DC.


[EVENT] Know It, Prove It, Change It, Workshop in DC


DATE: Sunday, July 22, 2012 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, optional dinner following

LOCATION: Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC (across from the
Walter E. Washington Convention Center)

ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: Through a hands-on approach, participants will gain a basic understanding of the international human rights framework and how it applies to HIV; core skills in human rights research and documentation, and the basics of human rights advocacy planning. Our training curriculum handbooks will be provided. Our curriculum focuses on rights issues faced by highly marginalized populations in the context of HIV/AIDS. Download the curriculum, Know It, Prove It, Change It here.


[UPDATE] Board Announces $8,000 Match

On March 21, we announced that Asia Catalyst’s board of directors has generously agreed to match all donations for our
“New Generation of Leaders” campaign in 2012 up to a total of $8,000 dollars. This means that donations of $100 are worth $200, and a $500 gift is worth $1,000. Anyone who makes donations of $100 or more receives a gift book featuring photos and narratives about our Chinese partner organizations, as well as a foreword by civil society expert Shawn Shieh (China Development Brief). Funds raised go to our campaign to bring Chinese activists to the International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. and to make our work more sustainable. To give, please go here.


[APPEAL] You Can Help Chinese AIDS Activists Get to Washington D.C.

“My boss gave me my money and told me to sign my name. After I signed the receipt, he immediately threw the pen into the trashcan. And that was how I was fired.” We heard this from a Chinese man living with HIV/AIDS, a former drug user, who was fired from his job when his boss found out his status. Around China, people like these are mobilizing to get their voices heard. Some hope to come to Washington D.C. this July for the International AIDS Conference. We need
your support to get them there

The International AIDS Conference will bring 40,000 people to Washington, including government leaders, UN officials, donors, and pharmaceutical companies. Thousands will march in D.C. to demand access to treatment and demand political action to change policy. Our Chinese colleagues will make new contacts, meet donors, and lobby officials as well as learn from others and find support in the international community.


[NEWS] UNAIDS: Seeking Practitioners in HIV and Human Rights

The XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, whose theme was “Right Here,
Rights Now,” provided a unique opportunity to bring together many people from
around the world who share an interest in and commitment to a human
rights-based response to HIV/AIDS.

As a follow-up to AIDS 2010 and as part of a larger effort to support greater
collaboration among key people working on HIV, human rights and law, UNAIDS and
the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network have partnered in order to develop an
international roster of practitioners with experience in HIV and human rights.
