[COMMENTARY] On the Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services/关于《互联网信息服务管理办法(修订草案征求意见稿)》的意见

To:The National Internet Information Office,Ministry
of Industry and Information Technology 

In response to the Notice of Soliciting Public Comment on the Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services (Draft for Public Comment)
issued by the two departments on June 7, 2012, I set out below my comment.


Section 1 of Article 15 of the Measures on the Administration of Internet Information Services (Draft for Public Comment) (hereinafter referred to as “the Draft”) stipulates that any Internet information service provider which provides services of Internet users disseminating information to the public should require any of the Internet users to register real identity information. 




[COMMENTARY] Consent of the Networked

For the past few weekends, I’ve been gradually deleting information from my Facebook account. Each Sunday, a few more photos come down. That’s because I read Rebecca MacKinnon’s call to arms, Consent of the Networked, which shows that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are acquiring the size and power of nation-states, but without the democratic accountability or transparency citizens may demand of the states that govern them. Mackinnon asks, “How do we make sure that people with power over our digital lives will not abuse that power?”


[NEWS] Week of Jan 20, 2012

[China Dialogue] What the smog can’t conceal 


the autumn, a series of polluted “hazes” in cities across China –
and discussion of that now ubiquitous term for fine particulate
matter, PM2.5 – have attracted widespread public attention. So too
has the official response: while urban air pollution fast became a
focus of public anger, the Ministry of Environmental Protection
(MEP), which is responsible for monitoring air quality, took the
opportunity to show its sluggish and bureaucratic side.

[Blog | New Yorker] The Chinese View of


China, the reaction to American protests has ranged from sympathy to
gentle Schadenfreude. A commentator known as Dr. Zhang wrote on
Weibo, the Twitter-like micro-blogging site: “I’ve come up with a
perfect solution: You can come to China to download all your pirated
media, and we’ll go to America to discuss politically sensitive


[RESOURCE] Navigating the Terrain: Resources for Online Asian Law Research


by Ken Oh

Around Asia, internet users face several barriers to doing legal research. The barriers can be political, as the recent row
between China and Google
demonstrates. In some cases, developing countries do not have the capacity to provide internet access to their citizens.  Finally (and likely the most easily fixed), the barriers can be more practical: once you have internet access, how do you know where to search?
