[UPDATE] UN Endorses Asia Catalyst Report on Compensation

In the good news category, UNAIDS has recently come out strongly in favor of China’s Blood Disaster: The Way Forward, a joint report published by Asia Catalyst and the Korekata Law Center this year. The statement, available here boldly calls for ‘comprehensive and inclusive process of consultation and dialogue involving representatives from government, civil society, people infected through contaminated transfusions, legal experts, academia and other relevant fields.’

[NEWS] Asia Catalyst Report Cited by Local Chinese Health Officials

The Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention has picked up China’s Blood Disaster: The Way Forward, a report jointly prepared by Asia Catalyst and Korekata AIDS Law Center . 

While government officials maintain only 65,100 people contracted HIV through blood sales and transfusions, AIDS activists have long argued the true number is much higher. The report finds that still few of the thousands affected have been able to get compensation.

[NEWS] British Medical Journal Article on Asia Catalyst/Korekata Report

By Jane Parry

The Chinese government has been urged to set up a compensation fund for the victims of an illegal blood selling scandal that resulted in thousands of people in central China in the 1990s being infected with HIV. A new report calls for a full and independent investigation into the number of people affected and an official apology to the people affected as well as compensation.

Read the full article here.

[NEWS] South China Morning Post on Asia Catalyst/Korekata Report

By Paul Mooney

An international NGO has issued a report urging Beijing to provide
compensation to tens of thousands of victims of the 1990s HIV-tainted
blood disaster, and arguing a fund is urgently needed as victims have
been unable to get fair compensation on their own.

“China has a historic opportunity to make things right for the victims
of the world’s largest HIV/Aids disaster,” said Sara Davis, executive
director of Asia Catalyst and a co-author of the report.

Read the full article here.

Download the Asia Catalyst/Korekata report.

[REPORT] 中国:为血液污染受害者提供补偿

