[RESOURCE] Human Rights Mission Kit


Asia Catalyst (New York), Korekata AIDS Law Center (Beijing), and Thai AIDS Treatment Action
Group (Bangkok) are cooperating on writing the manual Know It, Prove It,
Change It: A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups.
The Human Rights
Mission Kit,
which you can download here, is a
collection of easy-to-follow steps, worksheets and templates groups can use at
home to start their own human rights research.


[UPDATE] Asia Catalyst and Friends at the International AIDS Conference in Vienna

Asia Catalyst and friends from China and Thailand are going to Vienna in July for the International AIDS Conference. Here’s where we will be, hope to see you.




Stop by our “Crossing Borders” booth
for a packet on how to plan your own human rights research mission,
mini-trainings on human rights research, and cool gear from China &
