[NEWS] Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels AIDS 毒品利用有罪化加剧艾滋病传播

New evidence that criminalization of drug use fuels HIV/AIDS


A special issue of the medical journal The Lancet,
produced for the International AIDS Conference, published a ground-breaking
series of articles and commentaries on the global HIV epidemic among people who
use drugs. Drawing on their comprehensive examination of hundreds of studies, the
journal’s editors called for an evidence- and rights-based response to HIV
among people who use drugs: “Criminalization
has reduced access to health care for people at risk of drug use…Put simply,
locking people up does not work.”
journal’s articles provide evidence showing that the most neglected strategy, a
human rights-based approach, is the the most effective tool in reversing the





[NEWS] Law Chokes NGOs’ Foreign Funding

By Peter Ford

Sitting in a bare office behind an anonymous steel door, Yu Fangqiang
feels under siege.

His small nongovernmental organization, Yirenping, has enjoyed
remarkable success in helping HIV and hepatitis B sufferers fight
discrimination by Chinese employers, universities, and government
departments. For this challenge to the authorities, though, the group is
paying a high price.

Last year, police raided Yirenping’s Beijing office and confiscated
all its publicity material and legal aid brochures – hence the empty
bookshelves. In March, officials subjected their accounts to an
unusually prolonged investigation and warned them of more to come.

Now, new government regulations are starving Yirenping and other
controversial NGOs of funds.

“I am very worried about our future,”
says Mr. Yu, Yirenping’s chief coordinator. “I’m afraid we may have to


Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor.


[RESOURCE] Navigating the Terrain: Resources for Online Asian Law Research


by Ken Oh

Around Asia, internet users face several barriers to doing legal research. The barriers can be political, as the recent row
between China and Google
demonstrates. In some cases, developing countries do not have the capacity to provide internet access to their citizens.  Finally (and likely the most easily fixed), the barriers can be more practical: once you have internet access, how do you know where to search?
