[REPORT] Scaling Up: Capacity-Building in China

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by Gisa Hartmann

With the beginning of the new year, Asia Catalyst paved the ground for rapid growth of our capacity building program in China and Southeast Asia. This year in China, Asia Catalyst will begin short-term capacity-building partnerships of three to six months with seven new Chinese NGOs run by drug users, sex workers, and LGBT people — all communities directly affected by HIV/AIDS.

This year, an expanded technical assistance grant allowed us to issue a general call for applications from grassroots NGOs in China that want to strengthen their organizational management skills and build their future stability.


[COMMENTARY] HIV/AIDS in Asia: Is It a Rights Issue?

Missed our panel at the Asia Society on HIV/AIDS and human rights? You can watch the video (1 hr, 20 minutes) online at the link below.

AIDS in Asia (Complete)

NEW YORK, December 1, 2010 – Joseph Amon, Joanne Csete, Sara L.M. Davis, Kevin Robert Frost, Daniel Wolfe explore human rights issues as they relate to AIDS in Asia. (1 hr., 20 min.)

[COMMENTARY] How Out is Out in China?

Western media has been full of reports lately about Shanghai’s first ever gay pride festival. While police canceled some events, others went forward without interruption. It’s really a victory for China’s growing LGBT movement – as we learned when we hosted Comrades: the Chinese LGBT film festival here in New York last year, police have often shut down similar events in the past.

All this raises the question…what’s it really like to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) in China these days? We’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this, and the reality seems to be — surprise! — pretty complex.
