[RESOURCE] Volunteer Management: Planning the Schedule

By Meg Davis

Before you begin recruiting volunteers, you should come up with an outline of the projects you need help with, and create a schedule that involves a few different volunteering opportunities. Different organizations have different schedules for their volunteer programs. Because Asia Catalyst volunteers are mostly students, we usually follow a four-month


[RESOURCE] Managing Your Volunteers

by Meg Davis

One of the issues groups ask us about often is how to recruit and manage volunteers. Based on our experience (a lot of our work is done by student interns), and some manuals we consulted online, we are putting together a manual on volunteer management and posting chapters from it to this blog. Please share your own suggestions by posting a comment.



[NEWS] Law Chokes NGOs’ Foreign Funding

By Peter Ford

Sitting in a bare office behind an anonymous steel door, Yu Fangqiang
feels under siege.

His small nongovernmental organization, Yirenping, has enjoyed
remarkable success in helping HIV and hepatitis B sufferers fight
discrimination by Chinese employers, universities, and government
departments. For this challenge to the authorities, though, the group is
paying a high price.

Last year, police raided Yirenping’s Beijing office and confiscated
all its publicity material and legal aid brochures – hence the empty
bookshelves. In March, officials subjected their accounts to an
unusually prolonged investigation and warned them of more to come.

Now, new government regulations are starving Yirenping and other
controversial NGOs of funds.

“I am very worried about our future,”
says Mr. Yu, Yirenping’s chief coordinator. “I’m afraid we may have to


Read the full story at Christian Science Monitor.


[COMMENTARY] Where are the NGOs in China’s Natural Disasters?

By Yu Fangqiang


The other night, a little after midnight, I was about to turn off my computer and go to sleep when
I noticed, with surprise, an article in China Development Brief’s Community Times: “Droughts in the Southwest
Test Emergency Response: Where are the NGOs?”


China has recently been hit by a number of natural disasters, including the epic
in the southwest and an earthquake in Qinghai. After reading this
article, I had a few thoughts I had to share.


[NEWS] Asia Catalyst Scholarship for IAC/亚洲促进会国际艾滋大会奖学金

Asia Catalyst invites applications for one scholarship to
participate in the International AIDS Conference in Vienna from July
16-24. Applications must be received by April 25. The scholarship will support a Chinese
PLWHA, a current or former sex worker or drug user to
participate in the meeting.

