[COMMENTARY] Sex Work is Work, Plenary Speech by Kaythi Win

By Kthi Win

Plenery speech by Kaythi Win, Chairperson of Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers, at Association of Women in Development Forum forum in Istanbul on April 21,  2012. See the exciting video here.

Hello everybody,

I am Kthi Win from Myanmar and I am a sex worker. I manage a national organization for female, male & transgender sex workers in Burma & I am also the chairperson of the Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers.  Until now, organizing anything in Myanmar has been very difficult.  And people ask, “how did you set up a national program for sex workers?”  And my answer to them is “Our work is illegal.  Every night we manage to earn money without getting arrested by the police.  We used to work and organize together, so we use this knowledge in order to work out how we can set up the National Network without making the government angry”.

This topic is about transforming economic power.  I want to say to you, that when a woman makes the decision to sell sex, she has already made the decision to empower herself economically.  What we do in organizing sex workers, is we build on the power that the sex worker has already taken for herself – the decision to not be poor.


[NEWS] 100+ Vietnamese PLHIV Groups Oppose TPFTA

Reposted from Peter Maybarduk at Public Citizen:

Today, as the 11th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations kicked off in Melbourne, Australia, the Vietnam Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (VNP+) released the “VNP+ Declaration on the Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement and Access to Medicines in Vietnam.”


[NEWS] AIDS Activists Arrested, Shoved at ICAAP

Korean and international AIDS activists who participated in a peaceful protest against the Free Trade Agreement and for access to AIDS treatment at the International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) were shoved and dragged by the police while trying to prevent the arrest of AIDS lawyer Jang Seo-yeon. Two activists, including a staff person of the ICAAP Local Organizing Committee, were hospitalized. Below is the joint statement from Korean activists and supporters about the incident.


[NEWS] AC, ANPUD, APN+ Call on ICAAP to Provide Methadone in Korea

Asia Catalyst and 25 other regional networks and organizations called this week for methadone and buprenorphine access at the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, to take place this month in Busan, Korea.

Lack of access to these key medications in effect creates a discriminatory barrier to participation in the congress by delegates who are people using drugs.

Please help us to circulate the letter and to raise these issues with conference conveners and the Korean government, both before and at ICAAP.
