[NEWS] Global Fund Chief Calls for Closure of Compulsory Detoxification Centers 全球基金会会长呼吁关闭强制戒毒所

Echoing a speech he made in Toronto in
June, Michel Kazatchkine, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, again called
for the closure of compulsory detention centers
, where drug users are
detained for months or years without trial or due process, under the guise of
drug treatment.





[NEWS] Criminalization of Drug Use Fuels AIDS 毒品利用有罪化加剧艾滋病传播

New evidence that criminalization of drug use fuels HIV/AIDS


A special issue of the medical journal The Lancet,
produced for the International AIDS Conference, published a ground-breaking
series of articles and commentaries on the global HIV epidemic among people who
use drugs. Drawing on their comprehensive examination of hundreds of studies, the
journal’s editors called for an evidence- and rights-based response to HIV
among people who use drugs: “Criminalization
has reduced access to health care for people at risk of drug use…Put simply,
locking people up does not work.”
journal’s articles provide evidence showing that the most neglected strategy, a
human rights-based approach, is the the most effective tool in reversing the



